Stock Information - Debentures
Sr.No | Title | ISIN | Date of Allotment | Date of Redemption | Amount (In millions USD) |
1 | Senior Fixed Rate Note | XS1189791335 (Regulation S) | 17-Feb-15 | 17-Feb-25 | 55 |
2 | Senior Fixed Rate Note | XS1984154481 (Regulation S) | 18-Apr-19 | 18-Apr-24 | 40 |
3 | Subordinate Fixed Rate Note | Regulation S Notes: USY1009XAA73 144A Notes: US05464XAA37 | 8-Sep-21 | Perpetual* | 600 |
Total | 695 |
*Call option on 8-Sep-2026
- Series – 5 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Terms and Conditions of Equity shares
- Series – 12 Term Sheet and Disclosure Document
- Dollar 46 Pricing Supplement and Offering Circular
- Series – 13 Term Sheet and Disclosure Document
- Series – 8 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Dollar 150 Pricing Supplement and Offering Circular
- Dollar 60 Pricing Supplement and Offering Circular
- Series – 19 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series – 20 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series – 17 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series – 21 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series – 22 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series – 23 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series – 24 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series – 25 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series - 26 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series - 27 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series - 28 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series - 4 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series - 27 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Series - 28 Disclosure Document and Term Sheet
- Sr 7 Infra Confirmation of Interest Payment - 07.03.2025
- Sr 22 Confirmation of Interest Payment - 12.02.2025
- Record Date - Interest Payment - Series 7 Infra- 05.02.2025
- Sr 5 Infra Confirmation of Interest Payment - 30.01.2025
- Record Date - Interest Payment - Series 22 - 13.01.2025
- Record Date - Interest Payment - Series 5 - 31.12.2024
- Sr 4 Confirmation of Interest payment - 30.12.2024
- Sr 6 Confirmation of Interest payment - 23.12.2024
- Sr 30 Confirmation of Interest Payment - 13.12.2024
- Sr 1 Infra Confirmation of Interest Payment - 05.12.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment - Series 4 - 26.11.2024
- Sr 25 Confirmation of Interest Payment - 25.11.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment - Series 6 - 19.11.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment - Series 30 - 08.11.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment - Sr 1 Infra - 31.10.2024
- Sr 2 Infra - Confirmation of Interest Payment - 30.10.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment - Sr 25 - 22.10.2024
- Regulation 52(7) and (7A) for Q2FY25 - 17.10.2024
- Reporting of ISIN Details of Debt Listed Securities of the Bank for Q2FY25 - 14.10.2024
- Sr 23 - Confirmation of Interest Payment - 30.09.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment - Sr 2 Infra - 26.09.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment for Sr 23 - 30.08.2024
- Sr. 27 - Confirmation of Interest Payment - 15.06.2024
- Sr. 24 - Confirmation of Interest Payment - 27.05.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment for Sr 27 - 14.05.2024
- Disclosure under Chapter-XIV of the Operational Circular dated August 10, 2021 - 30.04.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment for Sr 24 - 25.04.2024
- Sr 22 - Confirmation of Interest Payment - 12.02.2024
- Sr 5 Infra - Confirmation of Interest Payment - 30.01.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment for Sr 22 - 12.01.2024
- Record Date - Interest Payment for Sr 5 Infra - 29.12.2023
- Sr 4 Infra - Confirmation of Interest Payment - 28.12.2023
- Sr 6 Infra - Confirmation of Interest Payment - 22.12.2023
- Sr 30 - Confirmation of Interest Payment - 13.12.2023
- Sr 1 Infra - Confirmation for Interest Payment - 05.12.2023
- Sr 25 - Interest Payment Confirmation - 23.11.2023
- Record Date for Interest Payment Sr 6 Infra - 21.11.2023
- Record Date for Interest Payment Sr 30 - 09.11.2023
- Record date - Interest Payment Sr 1 Infra - 02.11.2023
- Sr 2 Infra - Confirmaton for Interest Payment - 30.10.2023
- Record Date - Interest Payment Sr 25 - 23.10.2023
- Sr 3 Infra - Confirmation for Payment of Interest and Principal - 20.10.2023
- Record Date - Interest and Redemption Payment Sr 3 Infra - 20.10.2023
- Half Yearly Certificate for NCD under Chapter VII of SEBI Operational Circular - 05.10.2023
- Sr 23 - Confirmation of Interest Payment - 30.09.2023
- Record Date - Interest Payment Sr 2 Infra - 27.09.2023
- Record Date - Interest Payment Sr 23 - 30.08.2023
- Post Quarterly compliance under Reg 57 of SEBI LODR - 07.07.2023
- Reg 57 sub regulation 4 on Pre Quarter Confirmation for - 30.06.2023
- Sr 27 Infra Interest Payment Confirmation - 15.06.2023
- Record Date - Interest Payment Sr 27 - 16.05.2023
- Sr 27 Infra Interest Payment Confirmation - 29.05.2023
- Disclosure under SEBI Operational Circular - 28.04.2023
- Record Date - Interest Payment Sr 24 - 25.04.2023
- Post Quarterly compliance under Regulation 57_5 for quarter ended - 31.03.2023
- Reg 57 sub regulation 4 on Pre Quarter Confirmation for - 31.03.2023
- Sr 5 Infra Interest Payment Confirmation - 30.01.2023
- Disclosure under Regulation 52 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations - 23.01.2023
- Record date for interest payment series 22 - 12.01.2023
- Record Date for Interest Payment Sr 5 Infra - 02.01.2023
- Sr 21 Interest and Redemption Payment Confirmation - 31.12.2022
- Reg 57 sub regulation 4 on Pre Quarter Confirmation
- Sr 4 Infra Interest Payment Confirmation - 28.12.2022
- Sr 6 Infra - Interest Payment Confirmation - 22.12.2022
- Sr 1 Infra - Interest Payment Confirmation - 05.12.2022
- Record Date - Redemption and Interest Payment Sr 21 - 30.11.2022
- Record Date - Interest Payment Sr 4 Infra - 28.11.2022
- Sr 25 - Interest Payment Confirmation - 23.11.2022
- Record Date - Interest Payment Sr 6 Infra 22.11.2022
- Record Date - Interest Payment Sr 1 Infra 02.11.2022
- Interest Payment Sr 2 Infra INE238A08385 - 31.10.2022
- Interest Payment Sr 3 Infra INE238A08401 - 20.10.2022
- Stock Exchange letter Reg 57 (5) Post Quarter - 04.10.2022
- SEBI Half Yearly - ISIN Compliance - 04.10.2022
- Sr 23 - Interest Payment Confirmation - 30.09.2022
- Record Date - Interest Payment Sr 2 Infra
- Record Date - Interest Payment Sr 3 Infra
- Sr 23 - Record Date - 15.09.2022
- Stock Exchange letter Reg 57 (5) Post Quarter - 05.07.2022
- Prior Intimation Reg 57 (3) - NCD for June Quarter - 28.06.2022
- Sr 28 - Payment Confirmation - 28.06.2022
- Sr 27 - Payment Confirmation - 15.06.2022
- Sr 28 - Record Date - 30.05.2022
- Sr 28 - Prior Interest Payment - 30.05.2022
- Sr 24 -Interest Payment Confirmation - 27.05.2022
- Sr 27 - Record Date - 17.05.2022
- Notice of Due Date of Payment - 17.05.2022
- Disclosure under Chapter XIV of the Operational Circular - 29.04.2022
- Disclosure on Security Cover - 28-04-2022
- Sr. 24 - Record Date for Payment of Interest - 27-05-2022
- Payment of Interest - Due Date - 27-05-2022
- Disclosure of Large Entities - 27-04-2022
- Stock Exchange letter Reg 57 (5) Post Quarter Mar 2022
- SEBI Half Yearly - ISIN 31-03-2022
- Prior Intimation under Reg 57 30-03-2022
- Record Date Sr 20 20-03-2022
- Confirmation of Interest Payment 19-03-2022
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 22 12-02-2022
- Interest Payment Prior Sr 22 12-02-2022
- Record Date Sr 22 12-02-2022
- Interest Payment Prior Sr 20 20-03-2022
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 5 Infra 30-01-2022
- Prior Interest Payment Intimation Sr 5 Infra 30-01-2022
- Record Date - Sr 5 Infra 30-01-2022
- Statement of Deviation Variation - 24.01.2022
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 21 31-12-2021
- InterestPayment Date prior Sr 21 31-12-2021
- Record Date Intimation Sr 21 31-12-2021
- Interest Payment Date prior Sr 4 Infta 28-12-2021
- Payment Confirmation Sr 4 Infra 28-12-2021
- Record Date Sr 4 Infra 28-12-2021
- Intimation of Exercise Call Option Sr 26 14-12-2021
- Interest Payment Date Prior Sr 26 14-12-2021
- Payment Confirmation Sr 26 14-12-2021
- Record Date Intimation Sr 26 14-12-2021
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 1 Infra 05-12-2021
- Interest Payment date Prior Sr 1 Infra 05-12-2021
- Record Date Sr 1 Infra 05-12-2021
- Interest Payment Date Prior Sr 19 01-12-2021 Redemtion
- Payment Confirmation Sr 19 01-12-2021
- Record Date Sr 19 01-12-2021 Redemption
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 25 23-11-2021
- Interest Payment date Prior Sr 25 23-11-2021
- Record Date Sr 25 23-11-2021
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 2 Infra 30-10-2021
- Interest Payment Date Prior Sr2 Infra 30-10-2021
- Record Date Sr 2 Infra 30-10-2021
- Interest Payment Prior Sr 3 Infra 20-10-2021
- Record Date Sr 3 Infra 20-10-2021
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 23 30-09-2021
- Interest Payment Date Prior Sr 23 30-09-2021
- Record Date Sr 23 30-09-2021
- Interest Payment Date Prior Sr 27 15-06-2021
- Payment Confirmation Sr 27 15-06-2021
- Record Date Sr 27 15-06-2021
- Interest Payment date Prior Sr 28 28-06-2021
- Payment Confirmation Sr 28 28-06-2021
- Record Date Sr 28 28-06-2021
- Interest Payment Date Sr 27 - 15-06-2021
- Record Date Sr 27 - 15-06-2021
- Interest Payment Date Sr 24 - 27-05-2021
- Record Date Sr 24 - 27-05-2021
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 20 - 20.03.2021
- Interest Payment date Sr 20 - 20.03.2021
- Record Date Sr 20 - 20.03.2021
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 22 - 12.02.2021
- Interest Payment Date Intimation Sr 22 - 12.02.2021
- Record Date Sr - 2 12.02.2021
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 21 - 31.12.2020
- Interest Payment Sr 21 - - 31.12.2020
- Record Date Sr 21 - 31.12.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 4 Infra - 28.12.2020
- Interest Payment Sr 4 Infra - 28.12.2020
- Record Date Sr 4 Infra - 28.12.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 26 - 14.12.2020
- Interest Payment Sr 26 - 14.12.2020
- Record Date Sr 26 - 14.12.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 1 Infra - 05.12.2020
- Interest Payment Sr 1 Infra - 05.12.2020
- Record Date Sr 1 Infra - 05.12.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 19 - 01.12.2020
- Interest Payment Date Sr 19 - 01.12.2020
- Record Date Sr 19 - 01.12.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 25 - 23.11.2020
- Interest Payment Sr 25 - 23.11.2020
- Record Date Sr 25 - 23.11.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 2 Infra - 30.10.2020
- Interest Payment Sr 2 Infra - 30.10.2020
- Record Date Sr 2 Infra - 30.10.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 3 Infra - 20.10.2020
- Interest Payment Sr 3 Infra - 20.10.2020
- Record Date Sr 3 Infra - 20.10.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 23 - 30.09.2020
- Interest Payment Sr 23 - 30.09.2020
- Record Date Sr 23 - 30.09.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 28 - 28.06.2020
- Interest Payment Sr 28 - 28.06.2020
- Record Date Sr 28 - 28.06.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 24 - 27.05.2020
- Payment of Confirmation NCD 12.02.2020
- Prior intimation regarding issue of Non Convertible Debt Securities 24.01.2020
- Notice of Record Date 14.01.2020
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 21 - 31.12.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 21 - 31.12.2019
- Record Date Sr 21 - 31.12.2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 4 Infra - 28.12.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 4 Infra - 28.12.2019
- Record Date Sr 4 Infra - 28.12.2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 26 - 14.12.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 26 - 14.12.2019
- Record Date Sr 26 - 14.12.2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 1 Infra - 05.12.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 1 Infra - 05.12.2019
- Record Date Sr 1 Infra - 05.12.2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 19 - 01.12.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 19 - 01.12.2019
- Record Date Sr 19 - 01.12.2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 25 - 23.11.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 25 - 23.11.2019
- Record Date Sr 25 - 23.11.2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 2 Infra - 30.10.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 2 Infra - 30.10.2019
- Record Date Sr 2 Infra - 30.10.2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 3 Infra - 20.10.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 3 Infra - 20.10.2019 . Elections Holiday
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 3 Infra - 20.10.2019
- Record Date Sr 3 Infra - 20.10.2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 23 - 30.09.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 23 - 30.09.2019
- Record Date Sr 23 - 30.09.2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 28- 28.06.2019
- Interest Payment Sr28 - 28-06-2019
- Interest Payment Sr18 - 15-06-2019
- Interest Payment Sr27 - 15-06-2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 27- 16.06.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr18 - 16-06-2019
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr18 - 16-06-2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 27- 15.06.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr27 - 15-06-2019
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr27 - 15-06-2019
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 24- 27.05.2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr24 - 27-05-2019
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr24 - 27-05-2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr17 - 28-03-2019 (Redemption)
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr17 - 28-03-2019 (Redemption)
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr20 - 20-03-2019
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr20 - 20-03-2019
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr22 - 31-01-2019
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr22 - 12-01-2019
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr21 - 31-12-2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr21 - 31-12-2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr26 - 14-12-2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr26 - 14-12-2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr1 - 05-12-2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr1 - 05-12-2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr19 - 01-12-2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr19 - 01-12-2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr16 - 07-11-2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr16 - 07-11-2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 25 23-11-2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 16 07-11-2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr25 - 23-11-2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr25 - 23-11-2018
- Interest Payment Sr3 - 20-10-2018
- Interest Letter Sr16 - 10-11-2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr16 - 10-11-2018
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 23 30-09-2018
- Interest Payment confirmation letter Sr 27-15.06.2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 28- 30.05.2018
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 24- 28.05.2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 27- 14.05.2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 27- 14.05.2018
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 18- 14.05.2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 18-14.05.2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 24- 24.04.2018
- Interest Payment Date letter Sr 24- 24.04.2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 17- 28.02.2018
- Interest payment Date letter Sr 17- 28.02.2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 20 - 22.02.2018
- Intimation Payment Date Letter Sr 20 - 22.02.2018
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 22 - 12.02.2018
- Interest payment date letter Sr 22-12.01.2018
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 22- 12.01.2018
- Interest Payment confirmation letter Sr 21- 01.01.2018
- Interest payment confirmation letter Sr 26- 14.12.2017
- Interest payment confirmation letter Sr 19- 2.12.2017
- Interest Payment Date letter Sr 21- 28.11.2017
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 21- 28.11.2017
- Interest payment confirmation letter Sr 25- 23.11.2017
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 26- 15.11.2017
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 26- 15.11.2017
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 19- 7.11.2017
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 19- 7.11.2017
- Interest payment confirmation letter Sr 16 - 7.11.2017
- Interest payment confirmation letter Sr 2(Infra)- 30.10.2017
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 16- 09.10.2017
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 16- 09.10.2017
- Interest payment confirmation letter Sr 23- 03.10.2017
- Interest Payment Date letter Sr 2 (Infra)- 26.09.2017
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 2 (Infra)- 26.09.2017
- Interest Payment Date letter Sr 3 (Infra)- 19.09.2017
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 3 (Infra)- 19.09.2017
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 23- 31.08.2017
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 23- 31.08.2017
- Interest payment confirmation letter Sr 18- 19.06.2017
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 18- 22.05.2017
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 18- 22.05.2017
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 24- 26.04.2017
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 24-26.04.2017
- Interest payment confirmation letter Sr 15- 30.03.2017
- Interest payment confirmation letter Sr 17- 29.03.2017
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 20-20.03.2017
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 17-01.03.2017
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 17- 01.03.2017
- Record Date Intimation letter Sr 15- 01.03.2017
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 15- 01.03.2017
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 20- 22.02.2017
- Record Date Letter Sr 20- 22.02.2017
- Interest Payment Confirmation letter Sr. 22- 16.02.2017
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 14- 06.02.2017
- Record Date Letter Sr 22- 06.02.2017
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 22- 06.02.2017
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 21- 06.12.2016
- Interest-Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 19 - 01.12.2016
- Interest Payment Confirmation Sr 1 (Infra)- 06.12.2016
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 21-29.11.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 21-29.11.2016
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 16-07.11.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 1(Infra)-03.11.2016
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 1 (Infra)-03.11.2016
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 2 (Infra)-03.11.2016
- Record Date Letter Sr 2-30.10.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 13-28.10.2016
- Interest Payment Date letter Sr 13-28.10.2016
- Exercise of Call Option Sr 13-28.10.2016
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 2 (Infra)- 20.10.2016
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 16-07.10.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 16-07.10.2016
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 16-07.10.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 16-07.10.2016
- Interest Payment Letter Sr 2 Infra-30.09.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 2(Infra)- 30.10.2016
- Exercise of Call Option Sr 12-16.09.2016
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 23-12.09.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 23-12.09.2016
- Interest Payment and Redemption Date Letter Sr 12-01.09.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 12-01.09.2016
- Interest-Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 20-21.03.2016
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 20-20.03.2016
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 15-01.03.2016
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 12-01.03.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 15-01.03.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 12-01.03.2016
- Interest Payment Date Letter Sr 17-26.02.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 17-26.02.2016
- Interest Payment and Redemption Date Letter Sr 11(i)-25.02.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter Sr 11(i)-25.02.2016
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 22-12.02.2016
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 14-08.02.2016
- Interest Payment Confirmation Letter Sr 22-28.01.2016
- Record Date Intimation Letter SR-14 and Sr 22-25.01.2016
Domestic Ratings | |
CRISIL Ltd. | Ratings |
Long Term Rating | CRISIL AAA |
Tier II Bond | CRISIL AAA |
Infrastructure Bond | CRISIL AAA |
Tier I Bond | CRISIL AA+ |
Certificate of Deposits | CRISIL A1+ |
ICRA Ltd. | Ratings |
Long Term Rating | ICRA AAA |
Tier II Bond | ICRA AAA |
Infrastructure Bond | ICRA AAA |
Tier I Bond | ICRA AA+ |
Certificate of Deposits | ICRA A1+ |
Fixed Deposit | ICRA AAA |
India Ratings | Ratings |
Long-Term Rating | IND AAA |
Tier II Bond | IND AAA |
Infrastructure Bond | IND AAA |
Tier I Bond | IND AA+ |
Fixed Deposit | IND AAA |
CARE Ratings | Ratings |
Long Term Rating | CARE AAA |
Tier II Bond | CARE AAA |
Infrastructure Bond | CARE AAA |
International Ratings | |
S&P Ratings | Ratings |
Long Term Rating | BBB- |
Short Term Rating | A-3 |
Senior Unsecured Notes (MTN) | BBB- |
Outlook | Positive |
Moody's Rating | Ratings |
Long Term Rating | Baa3 |
Short-Term Rating | P-3 |
Senior Unsecured Notes (MTN) | Baa3 |
Outlook | Stable |
Fitch Ratings | Ratings |
Long Term Rating | BB+ |
Short-Term Rating | B |
Senior Unsecured Notes (MTN) | BB+ |
Outlook | Stable |