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Corporate Auction Notices

Sr. No.Details of auctionLast date for submission of BIDDate of auction
01All that freehold rights of piece and parcel of land measuring about 163 decimals together with freehold rights of the building and structures constructed /to be constructed thereon lying and situated at Mouza – Mondal para Gram, JL No. 07, RS. Khatian No. LR 5075, 5076, 5593, LR Plot No. – 311, 313, 1277 & 1295 PS and ADSR Memari, Dist – Burdwan owned by Malay Kumar Kesh (since deceased) and Mr Soumen Kesh. Encumbrances – Not known to Bank
Entire movable fixed assets of the firm, lying at Mouza – Mondal para Gram, JL No. 07, RS. Khatian No. LR 5075, 5076, 5593, LR Plot No. – 311, 313, 1277 & 1295 PS and ADSR Memari, Dist – Burdwan owned by Malay Kumar Kesh (since deceased) and Mr Soumen Kesh. Encumbrances – Not known to Bank.
12-12-2024 13-12-2024
16-12-2024 17-12-2024
16-12-2024 17-12-2024
04Land bearing Gala at Kamothe – Shop No.1, Ground Floor, Shree Chamunda Harmony, Plot No. 68A, 69 & 69A, Sector 18, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai – 410 209 admeasuring built up area of 471 Sq. ft. standing in the name of Smt. Punit Kaur Maini , Col. Satnam Singh Maini and Mr. Harangad Singh Maini 02-12-2024 03-12-2024
  • Shop No.1 admeasuring 482 square feet, House No.719/F/A/1
  • Shop No.1-A admeasuring 100 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/1/A
  • Shop No.2 admeasuring 469 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/2
  • Shop No.2-A admeasuring 848 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/2/A
  • Shop Block No. 6 admeasuring about 500 square feet, House No 719/F/A/38 Property situated at Nagpur, Khasra No 116, Poonam Chambers, Chindwara Road, Chaoni, Tq. & Dist. Nagpur
11-12-2024 12-12-2024
06All that piece and parcel of commercial property situated at Office no. 603, VI Floor, admeasuring about 82.01 sq.mtrs. alongwith undivided share admeasuring about 42.34 sq.mtrs. (municipal tenement no. 0628-20-0300-0001-V of Prahlad Nagar ward) in the scheme known as Safal Prelude, of The Safal Prelude Commercial Co.Op. Services Limited situated upon NA land bearing Survey no. 787,797/4 and 922/2 being allotted final plot no.34/2,34/1-2 in the draft Town Planning Scheme no. 25 (Vejalpur) of Mouje Vejalpur, Taluka : Ahmedabad west, District : Ahmedabad. 04-12-2024 05-12-2024
07Shubh Shree Texto Twist- Plant & Machinery Reserve price- Rs.7,00,000 and EMD is Rs.70,000/- 17-12-2024 18-12-2024
08Shubh Shree Industries - Plot No. 6/A admeasuring about 1,321 sq. and Plot No. l6/B admeasuring about 3,316 sq mtrs. of Pipodara Industrial Estate situated on Pipodara Taluka Mangrol District Surat and Plant & Machinery 17-12-2024 18-12-2024
09All that piece and parcel of the property bearing Sub-Plot No 5 admeasuring 420.26 square metres (i.e. 4523 square feet) out of plot No 21, out of survey Nos 199, 204, 205, 206/1, 209/1, corresponding CTS No. 148, situated at Vimannagar, Mouje Lohagaon, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune within the jurisdiction of Sub-Registrar Haveli, alongwith the construction and movables thereon within the limits of Pune Municipal Corporation 18-12-2024 19-12-2024
  • Flat Nos. 001 B admeasuring 370 square feet carpet area, 002 B admeasuring 370 square feet carpet area, 003 B admeasuring 380 square feet carpet area and Shop No.12B admeasuring 180 square feet carpet area on Ground Floor of B Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No. 001 admeasuring 392 square feet carpet area on Ground Floor of E Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No. 001 admeasuring 392 square feet carpet area on Ground Floor of E Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
06-01-2025 07-01-2025
  • All that pieces and parcel of immovable property compromising of Commercial Office No. H-101 Having Carpet area admeasuring 67.98 Sq. Mt. on First Floor in Block No. “H” together with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 32.42 Sq. Mt. in the land of scheme known as “SHRIDHAR FLORA”, lying and situated at Final Plot No. 21 of Town Planning Scheme No. 111 and Revenue Survey No. 19 of Mouje: Nikol of Taluka: Asarva of District Ahmedabad.
  • All that pieces and parcel of immovable property compromising of Commercial Office No. H-102 Having Carpet area admeasuring 27 Sq. Mt. on First Floor in Block No. “H” together with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 12.88 Sq. Mt. in the land of scheme known as “SHRIDHAR FLORA”, lying and situated at Final Plot No. 21 of Town Planning Scheme No. 111 and Revenue Survey No. 19 of Mouje: Nikol of Taluka: Asarva of District Ahmedabad
  • All that pieces and parcel of immovable property compromising of Commercial Office No. H-114 Having Carpet area admeasuring 32.26 Sq. Mt. on First Floor in Block No. “H” together with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 15.43 Sq. Mt. in the land of scheme known as “SHRIDHAR FLORA”, lying and situated at Final Plot No. 21 of Town Planning Scheme No. 111 and Revenue Survey No. 19 of Mouje: Nikol of Taluka: Asarva of District Ahmedabad
  • All that pieces and parcel of immovable property compromising of Commercial Office No. H-116 Having Carpet area admeasuring 26.44 Sq. Mt. on First Floor in Block No. “H” together with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 12.61 Sq. Mt. in the land of scheme known as “SHRIDHAR FLORA”, lying and situated at Final Plot No. 21 of Town Planning Scheme No. 111 and Revenue Survey No. 19 of Mouje: Nikol of Taluka: Asarva of District Ahmedabad
  • All that pieces and parcel of immovable property compromising of Commercial Office No. H-117 Having Carpet area admeasuring 67.18 Sq. Mt. on First Floor in Block No. “H” together with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 32.04 Sq. Mt. in the land of scheme known as “SHRIDHAR FLORA”, lying and situated at Final Plot No. 21 of Town Planning Scheme No. 111 and Revenue Survey No. 19 of Mouje: Nikol of Taluka: Asarva of District Ahmedabad
  • All that pieces and parcel of immovable property compromising of Commercial Office No. H-103 Having Carpet area admeasuring 27 Sq. Mt. on First Floor in Block No. “H” together with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 12.88 Sq. Mt. in the land of scheme known as “SHRIDHAR FLORA”, lying and situated at Final Plot No. 21 of Town Planning Scheme No. 111 and Revenue Survey No. 19 of Mouje: Nikol of Taluka: Asarva of District Ahmedabad
16-12-2024 17-12-2024
12All that pieces and parcel of immovable property of Flat No. 401 having built up area admeasuring about 34-12 Sq. Mt. on Fourth Floor of residential building named “Shivdhara Apartment” lying and situated on land of Revenue Survey No. 429 paiki of Rajkot having City Survey No. 3320-E-16 of City Sruvey Ward No. 15/2 of T.P. Scheme No. 2 of F.P. No. 115 of Rajkot City of Rajkot District. 16-12-2024 17-12-2024
13Residential Bungalow C.S. / Plot No.- 79 & Bungalow No. 1/A, R.S. No.- 1101/2/P, Sheet No. 82, 83, 92/P, Sanskar Society, Ambica Nagar, Opp. Jain Derasar, Idgah Road, Ambica Nagar, Palanpur 16-12-2024 17-12-2024
14Factory Plot No. 227/A, R.S. No.- 437/A/P, Chandisar GIDC. Estate, Opp. Palanpur - Deesa Highway, Chandisar, Palanpur 16-12-2024 17-12-2024
15Property situated at Office No. 308, Joshi Chambers, Orion Chamber Premises Co-operative society Ltd. situated at 66B, Ahmedabad Street, Iron Market, Carnac Bunder, Masjid (East), Mumbai-400009, of 369 sq. ft. FP No. 66, Division Prince Dock, Ground + 5, with lift constructed in year 1992 with buildings constructed thereon along with other assets such as furniture and fixtures, equipments, machinery-fixed and movable, structures any other assets situated thereon owned by Shri Paras Sunderji Dedhia. 16-12-2024 17-12-2024
16Property situated at Office No. 402, Joshi Chambers, Orion Chamber Premises Co-operative society Ltd. situated at 66B, Ahmedabad Street, Iron Market, Carnac Bunder, Masjid (East), Mumbai-400009, of 309 sq. ft. FP No. 66, Division Prince Dock, Ground + 5, with lift constructed in year 1992 with buildings constructed thereon along with other assets such as furniture and fixtures, equipment’s, machinery-fixed and movable, structures any other assets situated thereon owned by Ms. Kashmira Paras Dedhia. 16-12-2024 17-12-2024
  • Residential Flat No. 1002 , “Deck View Tower’ R.S. No.54 paiki 1 & 2, Plot no.102 paiki Village: Motavada Tahsil Lodhika District Rajkot
  • Residential Flat No. 301, “Deck View Tower’ R.S. No.54 paiki 1 & 2, Plot no.102 paiki Village: Motavada Tal: Lodhika, Dist Rajkot
  • Residential Flat No. 302, “Deck View Tower’ R.S. No.54 paiki 1 & 2, Plot no.102 paiki Village: Motavada Tal: Lodhika, Dist Rajkot
  • Residential Flat No. 303, “Deck View Tower’ R.S. No.54 paiki 1 & 2, Plot no.102 paiki Village: Motavada Tal: Lodhika, Dist Rajkot
  • Residential Open Plot situated at R.S.No.63, paiki 2 (Mota vada) “Vrundavan Park-1, Plot No.9 Off Kalavad Road, Village Mota vada, Tal-Lodhika, Dist-Rajkot.
16-12-2024 17-12-2024
  • Office- A-4 Nirmal Apartments, Joshiwada, Charai Thane west-400601 Owned by Mr. Gaurav Popat
  • Flat No.504, Fifth Flr, Neelam Apartment, Kharkar Lane, Near Jhambali Sqr, Thane (W)-400601 owned by Mrs. Daxa Popat.
  • Flat no.301, 3rd Flr, Radha CHSL, Kharkar Lane, Jhambali Sqr, Thane (W)-400601 owned by Mr. Arvind Popat.
23-12-2024 24-12-2024
19Bilt Graphic Paper Products Limited - Sale of Investment- Sale of Security Receipt with face value of Rs. 491.83 crore 30-11-2024 21-12-2024
  • Lot 1- Land with Transit Godown/Warehouse of Ground Floor, bearing unit No. R, at Sant Shri Odhavram Industrial Estate, Opp. Dhuri Resort, Navjivan, Vasai Phata, Waliv, property bearing area 1500 sq.ft Survey No 32, Hissa No 2, Village Waliv, Taluka Vasai, Dist. Thane within limits of (Sub-registrar, Vasai) Owned by Mr. Devanand Balasubramaniam
  • Lot 2- Land with Transit Godown/Warehouse of Ground Floor, bearing unit No. R, at Sant Shri Odhavram Industrial Estate, Opp. Dhuri Resort, Navjivan, Vasai Phata, Waliv, property bearing area 2500 sq.ft Survey No 32, Hissa No 2, Village Waliv, Taluka Vasai, Dist. Thane within limits of (Sub-registrar, Vasai) Owned by Mrs. Sivagami Sundari Devanand
26-12-2024 27-12-2024
21Property bearing Old Revenue Survey No. 58, Khata No. 536, Block No. 68 admeasuring Totally He. Aare 3-50-00 square metres Akar Rs 1050.30 Paisa, of Moje Andada, Ta; Ankleshwar, Dist: Bharuch 06-01-2025 07-01-2025
22Jay Shree Threads Pvt Ltd - Plant & Machinery Reserve price - Machinery-Rs.29,00,000/- and EMD is Rs.2,90,000/- 17-12-2024 18-12-2024
23All that part and parcel of the immoveable property situated at Plot 13/2, “Mohannagar Co-Op. Housing Society Ltd. Part 2, Near AMC Garden, B.H Mahaprabhuji Bethak, Survey No. 1173 , Final Plot No. 249 and 250 of T. P. Scheme No. 1, Mouje of Village Naroda , District- Ahmedabad, Gujarat- 382330, Admeasuring 131-54 Sq Mtr. Owned by Velji Khetshibhai Patel Bounded by:
North – TP Scheme Road
South – Tenament No 14
East – Society Common Road
West – Tenement No 12
06-01-2025 07-01-2025
24Land bearing Gala at Kamothe – Shop No.1, Ground Floor, Shree Chamunda Harmony, Plot No. 68A, 69 & 69A, Sector 18, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai – 410 209 admeasuring built up area of 471 Sq. ft. standing in the name of Smt. Punit Kaur Maini , Col. Satnam Singh Maini and Mr. Harangad Singh Maini 06-01-2025 07-01-2025
  • Unit No. A/217, admeasuring 780 sq. ft super built up area, 2nd Floor, Anand Raj Industrial Premises Co-operative Society Ltd., at Sonapur Lane, Shreekrishna Wooleen Mills Road, Off L.B.S. Marg, Bhandup (W) Mumbai-400078
  • Flat No. 301 (area Approx. 650 sq ft) 3rd Floor, ‘A’ Wing, Building Shiv Sadhana of Shiv Sadhana CHS Ltd., Shreenath Road, Hutatma Chaphekar Bandhu Marg, Mulund (E), Mumbai-400081
  • Flat No. 501 admeasuring 867 sq ft equivalent to 80.6 sq mtrs carpet area on 5th Floor, in ‘A’ Wing, of the Building “Shiv Sadhana Co-operative Society Limited” at Shreenath Road, Hutatma Chaphekar Bandhu Marg, Mulund (E), Mumbai-400081
06-01-2025 07-01-2025
26Tirupati Sarees Pvt. Ltd - shop no. D-1407 and D-1500 combined “Wing –D” of “Raghukul Market”, Surat. Reserve Price- Rs.70 lakhs. EMD - Rs.7 lakhs 06-01-2025 07-01-2025
27R K Oil Industries - Plot No. C-13/9 & 13/10, in the Khamgaon Industrial Area .District Budana, adm. 8,100 Sq. Mtrs. Reserve price - Rs.2,84,00,000/-. EMD- Rs.28,40,000/- 06-01-2025 07-01-2025
28R K Agro Industries - Plot No. C-13/8, in the Khamgaon Industrial area. District Buldhana admeasuring 4500.00 Sq. Mtrs. Reserve price - Rs.1,64,00,000/-. EMD price- Rs.16,40,000/- 06-01-2025 07-01-2025
29Shifa Medical and General Stores- Shop no.130 - Skycity Mall Bhandup West Reserve price - Shop no.130 Rs.55,40,000/- and EMD is Rs. 5,54,000/-- 06-01-2025 07-01-2025
30Dhruv Wellness Limited- Shop no. 7, Bhavani Jyot Tower, Bhayandar East . Reserve price - Shop no.7 -Rs.19,00,000/- and EMD is Rs.1,90,000/- 06-01-2025 07-01-2025
31Ananyaa Fabrics Pvt. Ltd- 1:- House No. V/2 (Corporate House No.T as per approved plan of AMC) 2:-House No. V/3 (Corporate House No.T as per approved plan of AMC) Reserve price - 1:-House No. V/2- Rs.1,38,00,000/- and EMD is Rs. 13,80,000/- 2:-House No. V/3 -Rs.1,30,00,000/- and EMD is Rs.13,00,000/- 06-01-2025 07-01-2025
32All that piece and parcel of unit no. 304 on the 3rd floor measuring super built up area 1299 square feet little more or less together with undivided proportionate share of the land lying and situated at Premises no. 11, Shiv Thakur Lane within the jurisdiction of R.A.- Kolkata and within the limits of Kolkata Municipal Corporation under ward no. 23, P.S. – Burrabazar (now Posta Police Station), Kolkata- 700007, West Bengal together with all the buildings and structures thereon, fixtures, fittings and all plant and machinery attached to the earth or permanently fasten to anything attached to the earth, both present and future. 03-01-2025 04-01-2025
  • Flat Nos. 005 admeasuring 291 square feet carpet area on Ground Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation (Symbolic Possession)
  • Flat Nos. 006 admeasuring 291 square feet carpet area on Ground Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation (Symbolic Possession)
  • Flat Nos. 105 admeasuring 291 square feet carpet area on First Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation (Symbolic Possession)
  • Flat Nos. 106 admeasuring 291 square feet carpet area on First Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation (Symbolic Possession)
  • Flat Nos. 205 admeasuring 291 square feet carpet area on Second Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation (Symbolic Possession)
  • Flat Nos. 206 admeasuring 291 square feet carpet area on Second Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation (Symbolic Possession)
  • Flat Nos. 203 admeasuring 425 square feet carpet area on Second Floor of E Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation (Symbolic Possession)
22-01-2025 23-01-2025
  • Shop No.1 admeasuring 482 square feet, House No.719/F/A/1
  • Shop No.1-A admeasuring 100 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/1/A
  • Shop No.2 admeasuring 469 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/2
  • Shop No.2-A admeasuring 848 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/2/A
  • Shop Block No. 6 admeasuring about 500 square feet, House No 719/F/A/38
  • Property situated at Nagpur, Khasra No 116, Poonam Chambers, Chindwara Road, Chaoni, Tq. & Dist. Nagpur
22-01-2025 23-01-2025
35P No 1+3+Parking, In G. No. 196/A, Abutting to N.H. 3 at Village Purmepada, Tal & Dist. Dhule owned by Mr Anil Biharilal Joshi, 08-01-2025 09-01-2025
36Plot No. 1,2,3,4 at Gat No. 196/B abutting to N.H. 3 at Village Purmepada , Tal & Dist. Dhule, owned by Mr. Anil Biharilal Joshi, 08-01-2025 09-01-2025
37Property situated at Non-Agricultural Land under Gat No. 535/1 admeasuring 26070.08 sq. mtrs. at Kasoda, Tq. Erandol, Dist. Jalgaon With buildings constructed thereon along with other assets such as furniture and fixtures, equipment’s, machinery – fixed and movable, structures and any other assets situated thereon and Property situated at Land under Gat No. 535/2 admeasuring 0.81 H.R. at Kasoda, Tq. Erandol, Dist. Jalgaon 08-01-2025 09-01-2025
38Land admeasuring about 3030 sq.yards i.e. 2533.44 sq. mtrs of Plot No. 100, 100/A & 100/B in Sector-1 in the scheme known as “PUSHPARAJ VILLAGE” of RAVI (HANSOL) NON-TRADING CORPORATION an Association registered under the provisions of The Bombay Non Trading Corporation Act, 1959 under serial No. NTCG-8334 dated 12.08.1996 situated on the land of Survey No. 408 situate, lying and being at MOUJE: KUNDAL, Taluka: Sanand, in the Registration District of Ahmedabad and Sub District of Sanand 20-01-2025 21-01-2025
39All that piece and parcel of land and structure constructed, to be constructed there on at Kh No. 1211/15, 1212/15, 1213/15, 1214/17, & 1320/15, P.H.No.-110/40, Mouza: Shankar Nagar, Ward No. 28, Raipur measuring an area of 20013 sqft in the name of Shri Santosh Bhandari. bounded as under:
North: land of Halwani
South: Land of Banerjee
East: Road
West: Land of Bhola and Ram
18-01-2025 20-01-2025
40Residential Bungalow C.S. / Plot No.- 79 & Bungalow No. 1/A, R.S. No.- 1101/2/P, Sheet No. 82, 83, 92/P, Sanskar Society, Ambica Nagar, Opp. Jain Derasar, Idgah Road, Ambica Nagar, Palanpur 09-01-2025 10-01-2025
41Residential Bungalow C.S. / Plot No.- 79 & Bungalow No. 1/A, R.S. No.- 1101/2/P, Sheet No. 82, 83, 92/P, Sanskar Society, Ambica Nagar, Opp. Jain Derasar, Idgah Road, Ambica Nagar, Palanpur 09-01-2025 10-01-2025
42P.K Transmission Auction ID - 323612 & 323613 Reserve Price is Rs 33.84 Lakh and Rs 238.24 Lakh. EMD is Rs 3.38 lakh and 23.82 Lakh 14-01-2025 16-01-2025
43Land bearing Gala at Kamothe – Shop No.1, Ground Floor, Shree Chamunda Harmony, Plot No. 68A, 69 & 69A, Sector 18, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai – 410 209 admeasuring built up area of 471 Sq. ft. standing in the name of Smt. Punit Kaur Maini , Col. Satnam Singh Maini and Mr. Harangad Singh Maini 29-01-2025 30-01-2025
44Jay Shree Threads Pvt Ltd - Plant & Machinery Reserve price - Machinery-Rs.27,00,000/- and EMD is Rs.2,70,000/- 03-02-2025 04-02-2025
45Shubh Shree Industries - Plot No. 6/A admeasuring about 1,321 sq. and Plot No. l6/B admeasuring about 3,316 sq mtrs. of Pipodara Industrial Estate situated on Pipodara Taluka Mangrol District Surat and Plant & Machinery 03-02-2025 04-02-2025
46Shubh Shree Texto Twist- Plant & Machinery Reserve price- Rs.6,50,000 and EMD is Rs.65,000/- 03-02-2025 04-02-2025
47DSK Digital Technologies Private Limited Reserve price:- 1 Office no A1 and B1- Rs.3,39,00,000 and EMD is Rs.33,90,000/- 2 Office no A2 and B2- Rs.3,05,00,000 and EMD is Rs.30,50,000/- 03-02-2025 04-02-2025
48SWISS CHALLENGE notice for Account Name: Digital Ventures Private Limited (DVPL) 05-02-2025 15-02-2025
49PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SALE/E-AUCTION- M/s. Coastal Projects Limited 18-02-2025 20-02-2025
51All that piece and parcel of Industrial land and factory building at Plot no. 312, Sector- Ecotech-1 Extension, Greater Noida, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh admeasuring land area of 1000 and owned by OB Fluoro Chems Pvt Limite 05-02-2025 10-02-2025
52All that piece and parcel of land at Corporate House No. V/2 (Corporate House No.T as per approved plan of AMC) admeasuring about 351.2 sq.mtrs consisting of Ground Floor and Four Upper Floors and terrace in the scheme known as "SAMET BUSINESS PARK" situated on the land bearing City Survey No.525, Sheet No.15 & Private Sub Plot No.4 of Sub Plot No.2 of Final Plot No.31 part of Town Planning Scheme No.7 situate, lying and being at MOUJE: MITHIPUR WARD, Taluka: Maninagar (Old Taluka : Ahmedabad City East), in the Registration District of Ahmedabad and Sub District of Ahmedabad-7 (Odhav) together with all the buildings and structures thereon, fixtures, fittings and all plant and machinery attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth, both present and future in name of Mr. Ajitkumar Harilal Shah. 10-02-2025 11-02-2025
53All that piece and parcel of land at Corporate House No. V/3 (Corporate House No.T as per approved plan of AMC) admeasuring about 330.29 sq.mtrs consisting of Ground Floor and Four Upper Floors and terrace in the scheme known as "SAMET BUSINESS PARK' situated on the land bearing City Survey No.525, Sheet No.15 & Private Sub Plot No.4 of Sub Plot No.2 of Final Plot No.31 part of Town Planning Scheme No.7 situate, lying and being at MOUJE: MITHIPUR WARD, Taluka: Maninagar (Old Taluka : Ahmedabad City East), in the Registration District of Ahmedabad and Sub District of Ahmedabad-7 (Odhav) together with all the buildings and structures thereon, fixtures, fittings and all plant and machinery attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth, both present and future in name of ANANYAA FABRICS PRIVATE LIMITED. 10-02-2025 11-02-2025
54Shop No.7 admeasuring 14.49 Sq. mtrs. Super Built-Up Area, on the Ground Floor of the building known as "BHAVANI JYOT TOWER CHS LTD", Situated at Chandan Park, Bhayandar (E), District Thane- 401105 situated on the piece or parcel of land bearing Old Survey No. 152/P & 153/4, 153/5 New Survey No. 27/P & 28/4, 5 of Village Khari, Taluka & District Thane, within the Registration District and Sub-District of Thane and within the jurisdiction of Mira-Bhayandar Municipal Corporation, Bhayandar. admeasuring 14.49 Sq. mtrs. Super Built-Up Area. Property owned by Shri Nitin Narayanbhai Prajapati 10-02-2025 11-02-2025
55All that piece and parcel of land situated at Plot No. C-13/8, in the Khamgaon Industrial area within the village limits of Sutala Bk. And outside the limits of Khamgaon Municipal Council In ruralarea, Taluka and registration sub-district khamgaon district and reqgistrationDistrict Buldhana admeasuring 4500.00 Sq. Mtrs. Extent of Land along with construction and Plant and Machineries. 10-02-2025 11-02-2025
56All that piece and parcel of land situated at Plot No. C-13/9 & 13/10, in the Khamgaon Industrial Area within the village limits of Sutala Bk. and outside the limits of Khamgaon Municipal Council In rural area, Taluka and registration subdistrict Khamgaon district and reqgistrationDistrict Budana, adm. 8,100 Sq. Mtrs.Land along with construction and Plant and Machineries. 10-02-2025 11-02-2025
57Property bearing shop no. D-1407 (Old No. C-1007) on the ground floor admeasuring 170.00 Sq.Ft. i.e. 15.80 Sq. Mtrs. alongwith 7.00 Sq. Mtrs. Undivided share in the land of “Wing –D” of “Raghukul Market” of Raghukul Co. Op. Ho. Soc. Ltd situate at Revenue survey No.57/1+2+3, Town Planning Scheme No.7 (Anjana), Final Plot No.91,92,93 admeasuring 35,058.96 Sq. Mtrs. Of Mouje Anjana, City of Surat, in the name of Late Mr. Anand Sureka. And Property bearing shop No.D-1500 on the ground floor admeasuring 170.00 sq. ft. i.e. 15.80 Sq.Mtrs. along with 7.00 Sq. Mtrs. Undivided share in the land of “Wing –D” of “Raghukul Market” of Raghukul Co. Op. Ho. Soc. Ltd situate at Revenue survey No.57/1+2+3, Town Planning Schme No.7 (Anjana), Final Plot No.91,92,93 admeasuring 35058.96 Sq. Mtrs. Of Mouje Anjana, City of Surat, in the name of Mr. Ashish Sureka. 10-02-2025 11-02-2025
58Gala No. G-2, Apollo, Industrial Premises Society Limited, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai- 400 093. 27-02-2025 28-02-2025
59Property bearing Old Revenue Survey No. 58, Khata No. 536, Block No. 68 admeasuring Totally He. Aare 3-50-00 square metres Akar Rs 1050.30 Paisa, of Moje Andada, Ta; Ankleshwar, Dist: Bharuch 19-02-2025 20-02-2025
60Residential Bungalow C.S. / Plot No.- 79 & Bungalow No. 1/A, R.S. No.- 1101/2/P, Sheet No. 82, 83, 92/P, Sanskar Society, Ambica Nagar, Opp. Jain Derasar, Idgah Road, Ambica Nagar, Palanpur 24-02-2025 25-02-2025
61Factory Plot No. 227/A, R.S. No.- 437/A/P, Chandisar GIDC. Estate, Opp. Palanpur - Deesa Highway, Chandisar, Palanpur 24-02-2025 25-02-2025
62Property situated at Office No. 308, Joshi Chambers, Orion Chamber Premises Co-operative society Ltd. situated at 66B, Ahmedabad Street, Iron Market, Carnac Bunder, Masjid (East), Mumbai-400009, of 369 sq. ft. FP No. 66, Division Prince Dock, Ground + 5, with lift constructed in year 1992 with buildings constructed thereon along with other assets such as furniture and fixtures, equipments, machinery-fixed and movable, structures any other assets situated thereon owned by Shri Paras Sunderji Dedhia. 24-02-2025 25-02-2025
63Property situated at Office No. 402, Joshi Chambers, Orion Chamber Premises Co-operative society Ltd. situated at 66B, Ahmedabad Street, Iron Market, Carnac Bunder, Masjid (East), Mumbai-400009, of 309 sq. ft. FP No. 66, Division Prince Dock, Ground + 5, with lift constructed in year 1992 with buildings constructed thereon along with other assets such as furniture and fixtures, equipment’s, machinery-fixed and movable, structures any other assets situated thereon owned by Ms. Kashmira Paras Dedhia. 24-02-2025 25-02-2025
64All that pieces and parcel of immovable property compromising of Commercial Office No. H-114 Having Carpet area admeasuring 32.26 Sq. Mt. on First Floor in Block No. “H” together with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 15.43 Sq. Mt. in the land of scheme known as “SHRIDHAR FLORA”, lying and situated at Final Plot No. 21 of Town Planning Scheme No. 111 and Revenue Survey No. 19 of Mouje: Nikol of Taluka: Asarva of District Ahmedabad 24-02-2025 25-02-2025
65All that pieces and parcel of immovable property compromising of Commercial Office No. H-117 Having Carpet area admeasuring 67.18 Sq. Mt. on First Floor in Block No. “H” together with undivided proportionate share admeasuring 32.04 Sq. Mt. in the land of scheme known as “SHRIDHAR FLORA”, lying and situated at Final Plot No. 21 of Town Planning Scheme No. 111 and Revenue Survey No. 19 of Mouje: Nikol of Taluka: Asarva of District Ahmedabad 24-02-2025 25-02-2025
  • Flat Nos. 001 B admeasuring 370 square feet carpet area, 002 B admeasuring 370 square feet carpet area, 003 B admeasuring 380 square feet carpet area and Shop No.12B admeasuring 180 square feet carpet area on Ground Floor of B Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No. 001 admeasuring 392 square feet carpet area on Ground Floor of E Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No. 001 admeasuring 392 square feet carpet area on Ground Floor of E Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No.001 on Ground Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No.002 on Ground Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No.102 on First Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No.201 on Second Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No.202 on Second Floor of D Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No.005 on Ground Floor of E Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No.006 on Ground Floor of E Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No.101 on First Floor of E Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
  • Flat No.102 on First Floor of E Wing, Survey No.37 Hissa No.1 & 3, Plot No.16 & 17, in the Building “Jay Heritage” Village Sopara, Taluka Vasai and District Palghar, Sub-Registrar Vasai and Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation
05-03-2025 06-03-2025
  • Shop No.1 admeasuring 482 square feet, House No.719/F/A/1
  • Shop No.1-A admeasuring 100 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/1/A
  • Shop No.2 admeasuring 469 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/2
  • Shop No.2-A admeasuring 848 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/2/A
  • Shop Block No. 6 admeasuring about 500 square feet, House No 719/F/A/38
Property situated at Nagpur, Khasra No 116, Poonam Chambers, Chindwara Road, Chaoni, Tq. & Dist. Nagpur
27-02-2025 28-02-2025
68PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SALE/E-AUCTION OF IMMOVABLE ASSETS - P. K Transmission Products Pvt. Ltd and Guarantor(s)/Mortgagor(s)/Owner(s) 18-02-2025 20-02-2025
69All that piece and parcel of Unit No 403, on the fourth floor, Block 3, measuring about 6016 sqft more or less super built up area in “Regent Garment & Apparel Park” (Hereinafter referred to as the said property) lying and situated at Mouza- Sinthi, J.L No 101, Premises No 64/1/1, Jessore Road (East), under Ward No- 01, within the jurisdiction of Barasat Municipality, P.S. Barasat, ADSR- Barasat, District- North 24 Parganas, together with proportionate undivided impartiable share of land, together with the right to use common areas of the building, the right to use water closet, drainage, lavatories and other conveniences and facilities, amenities in or upon or pertaining to or connected to the flat/unit/office premises, both present and future and easementary rights and together with all fixtures and fittings, both present and future in the name of SRI SHARAD KUMAR JAIN S/o. LATE TRILOK CHAND JAIN.
Encumbrances (if any) – Not known to Bank
27-02-2025 28-02-2025
70All that piece and parcel of Unit No 404, on the fourth floor, Block 3, measuring about 6016 sqft more or less super built up area in “Regent Garment & Apparel Park” (Hereinafter referred to as the said property) lying and situated at Mouza- Sinthi, J.L No 101, Premises No 64/1/1, Jessore Road (East), under Ward No- 01, within the jurisdiction of Barasat Municipality, P.S. Barasat, ADSR- Barasat, District- North 24 Parganas, together with proportionate undivided impartiable share of land, together with the right to use common areas of the building, the right to use water closet, drainage, lavatories and other conveniences and facilities, amenities in or upon or pertaining to or connected to the flat/unit/office premises, both present and future and easementary rights and together with all fixtures and fittings, both present and future in the name of SRI ROHIT JAIN S/o. SHARAD KUMAR JAIN.
Encumbrances (if any) – Not known to Bank.
27-02-2025 28-02-2025
71Extension of mortgage on the Industrial landand building situated on Sy.No.74, 75 part & 79part, at Seegur Village, Ravandur Hobli,Periyapatna Taluk, Mysore Dist., standing in theM/s Maniyog Textiles Private Limited. 10-03-2025 11-03-2025
  • All that piece and parcel of property located at R.S No. 37/1 Paiki 2, Mouje Navagam, Tal-Kapadvanj, Dist Kheda in the name of Mr. Mehta Anilkumar Khajuromal
  • All that piece and parcel of property located at R.S No. 37/1 paiki 1, Mouje Navagam, Tal-Kapadvanj, Dist. Kheda in the name of Mr. Mehta Anilkumar Khajuromal, Mrs. Mehta Rekhaben Khajuromal, Mrs. Shah Jagruti Kapil and Mrs. Kalpana Rathi
  • All that piece and parcel of land pieces and parcels of immovable property situated at R.S No. 38, Mouje Navgam, Tal Kapadvanj, Dist. Kheda admeasuring 7284.00 sq. mtrs
  • together with the buildings and structures constructed/to be constructed thereon and all plant and machinery’s, attached to the earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth
17-03-2025 18-03-2025
73Plant & Machinery alongwith scrap on the aforesaid property 17-03-2025 18-03-2025
75All that piece and parcel of land and structure constructed, to be constructed there on at Kh No. 1211/15, 1212/15, 1213/15, 1214/17, & 1320/15, P.H.No.-110/40, Mouza: Shankar Nagar, Ward No. 28, Raipur measuring an area of 20013 sqft in the name of Shri Santosh Bhandari. bounded as under:
North: land of Halwani
South: Land of Banerjee
East: Road
West: Land of Bhola and Ram
10-03-2025 11-03-2025
76Residential flat no. 2B at 25/8, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata 700 008 (Municipal Holding no. 62, Ward no. 123, Kolkata Municipal Corporation dag no. 196 & 205, R.S.Khatian No. 11, Mouza – Sarkeran, J.L.No. 14, R.s.No. 178, Touzi No. 23 & 26 & 33, P.S Thakurpukur, Dist. – 24 Parganas (South) in the name of Kuljeet Kaur and Jagmohan Kaur. 24-03-2025 25-03-2025
77ALL THAT the flat/unit no 14B on the 14th floor of the new building known as "METRO HEIGHTS" constructed at the said premise being no 114 Dr Lal Mohan Bhattacharjee Road. PS Entally, Kolkata 700014 under KMC ward no 55 containing by admeasurements an area of 1225 sq ft of built up area (be the same a little more or less) ALSO TOGTHER with One utility room no 14B on the 14th floor measuring 55 sq ft (more or less) TOGTHER WITH one open parking space on the ground floor of the said building at the said premise TOGTHER WITH undivided impartible proportionate share of the interest in the land comprised in the said Premises and attributable/allocable to the said flat but not to include the EXCLUDED PORTION admeasuring 13 cottah being under road alignment AND ALSO TOGTHER WITH the proportionate share or interest in the common parts, portions, areas, facilities and/or amenities comprised in the said building. The property is butted and bounded in the manner following that is to say
NORTH: by Chattu Babu Lane
SOUTH: Dr Lal Mohan Bhattacharjee Road
WEST: Premise no 30A and 30B CIT Road
Owner: Arwind Bhawsingka & Sangita Bhawsingka Encumbrances (if any) – Not known to Bank
11-03-2025 12-03-2025
78All that piece and parcel of unit no. 304 on the 3rd floor measuring super built up area 1299 square feet little more or less together with undivided proportionate share of the land lying and situated at Premises no. 11, Shiv Thakur Lane within the jurisdiction of R.A.- Kolkata and within the limits of Kolkata Municipal Corporation under ward no. 23, P.S. – Burrabazar (now Posta Police Station), Kolkata- 700007, West Bengal together with all the buildings and structures thereon, fixtures, fittings and all plant and machinery attached to the earth or permanently fasten to anything attached to the earth, both present and future. 12-03-2025 13-03-2025
80Office no A1 and B1- Rs.3,06,00,000 and EMD is Rs.30,60,000/-
Office no A2 and B2- Rs.2,75,00,000 and EMD is Rs.27,50,000/-
28-02-2025 01-03-2025
81Residential Bungalow C.S. / Plot No.- 79 & Bungalow No. 1/A, R.S. No.- 1101/2/P, Sheet No. 82, 83, 92/P, Sanskar Society, Ambica Nagar, Opp. Jain Derasar, Idgah Road, Ambica Nagar, Palanpur 18-03-2025 19-03-2025
82Factory Plot No. 227/A, R.S. No.- 437/A/P, Chandisar GIDC. Estate, Opp. Palanpur - Deesa Highway, Chandisar, Palanpur 18-03-2025 19-03-2025
83Plot No. C-13/9 & 13/10, in the Khamgaon Industrial area in District Buldhana admeasuring 8100 Sq. Mtrs. Extent of Land along with construction and Machineries 26-03-2025 27-03-2025
84PUBLIC NOTICE FOR SALE/E-AUCTION OF IMMOVABLE ASSETS - P. K Transmission Products Pvt. Ltd and Guarantor(s)/Mortgagor(s)/Owner(s) 24-03-2025 25-03-2025
85Plot No. C-13/8, in the Khamgaon Industrial area in District Buldhana admeasuring 4500.00 Sq. Mtrs. Extent of Land along with construction and Machineries 26-03-2025 27-03-2025
86Two Number of Tunnel Boring machine (2 Nos of TBM) kept at BMRCL Peenya Depo, Peenya, Bangalore – 560058, Karnataka.
Google Coordinates of the Site:
Latitude: 13.040859 North,
Longitude: 77.535964 East.
21-03-2025 24-03-2025
87All that pieces and parcel of immovable property of Flat No. 401 on Fourth Floor of residential building named “Shivdhara Apartment” lying and situated on land of Revenue Survey No. 429 paiki of Rajkot having City Survey No. 3320-E-16 of City Sruvey Ward No. 15/2 of T.P. Scheme No. 2 of F.P. No. 115 of Rajkot City of Rajkot District. 20-03-2025 21-03-2025
88Sundev Appliances Limited Reserve Price - 1,87,00,000/- (Rupees Once Crore Eighty-Seven Lakhs Only) 24-03-2025 25-03-2025
89Property -1 : Property standing in the name of Mr.Viswanadhuni Narayanamma :
EM of residential Vacant land in R.S. No. 9/1 , Near D.NO. 1-7 (Doc.No. 1932/2020 measuring 320.4 Sq. Yds situated at Rayalam Arch ,Near Anajaneya swamy temple , Ramalayam Road , Rayalam Village, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh - 534 202 with boundaries as follows: East : Road, West : Site Belongs to Sanjana Satya Residency Apartements, South : Joint Path way, North : Site Belongs to Dandu Narasimha Raju
25-03-2025 26-03-2025
90Property – 2 : Property in the name of Mrs. Burramsetty Krishnaveni EM of the Property containing the following items as mentioned below :
Item No. 1 : Residential Vacant land bearing R.S.No. 173/2A, 2/B, 2/C and 140/1 and 2, Nearest Door No. 4-121, Plot No. 71, measuring 322.77 Square Yards, situated within Palakollu Rural Village, Palakollu Mandal and within the jurisdiction of SRO, Palakollu and located at Iswarya Nagar Yallavani Garuvu, Near St Mary’s School , Doddipatla Road, Palakollu Village, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh – 534 206 with boundaries as follows : East : Site of Muchharla Nagabhushanam Naidu
West : 40 feet wide Layout Road
South : Site in Plot No. 72
North : 40 feet wide Layout Road

Item No. 2 : Residential Vacant land bearing R.S.No. 173/2A, 2/B, 2/C and 140/1 and 2, Nearest Door No. 4-121, Plot Nos. 72 to 76, measuring 1,462.19 Square Yards, situated within Palakollu Rural Village, Palakollu Mandal and within the jurisdiction of SRO, Palakollu and located at Iswarya Nagar Yallavani Garuvu, Near St Mary’s School, Doddipatla Road, Palakollu Village, West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh – 534 206 with boundaries as follows : East : Site of Muchharla Nagabhushanam Naidu West : 40 feet wide Layout Road South : Site in Plot No. 77 North : Site in Plot No. 71
25-03-2025 26-03-2025
91Property -3 : Property standing in the name of Mrs. Burramsetty Krishna Veni EM of Residential Vacant Land R.S.No. 173/2A, 173/2B, 173/2C, 140/1, 2, Palakollu Mandal within the jurisdictionof SRO , Gunipudi Nearest D.No. 4-121, Doc No. 4133/2017, Approved Lay out Plan in T.L.P. No. 50/2013/R measuring 894.14 sq.yds situated within Palakollu Rural Village, Palakollu Mandal and within the jurisdiction of SRO, Palakollu at Iswarya Nagar , Yellavarni Garuvu, Near St Mary’s School , Doddipatla Road Palakollu Village , West Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh - 534 206 with boundaries as follows : East : Site in Plot No. 57 and 59 West : Lands belongs to M.S.M.I Sisters South: Site in Plot No. 47 sold to applicant North : 40 feet wide lay out Road 25-03-2025 26-03-2025
92Property bearing Old Revenue Survey No. 58, Khata No. 536, Block No. 68 admeasuring Totally He. Aare 3-50-00 square metres Akar Rs 1050.30 Paisa, of Moje Andada, Ta; Ankleshwar, Dist: Bharuch 15-04-2025 16-04-2025
  • Shop No.1 admeasuring 482 square feet, House No.719/F/A/1
  • Shop No.1-A admeasuring 100 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/1/A
  • Shop No.2 admeasuring 469 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/2
  • Shop No.2-A admeasuring 848 square feet, House No. 719/F/A/2/A
  • Shop Block No. 6 admeasuring about 500 square feet, House No 719/F/A/38
  • Property situated at Nagpur, Khasra No 116, Poonam Chambers, Chindwara Road, Chaoni, Tq. & Dist. Nagpur
15-04-2025 16-04-2025
94Exclusive charge on All that piece or parcel of land bearing SNo. 552, H no. 1, 2, 3/4, 3/3, 3/2, 3/4, S. No. 555 H. No. 2, 1, S. No.556, S.No. 551, H. No. 1/1 & 1/2admeasuring 22.46 hectares at village Andur, National HighwayNo. 9, Tal Tuljapur District Osmanabad 21-04-2025 22-04-2025
  • a)    Part of House No 56-57, Ground Floor area 200 sqft (18.58 sqmt) & Passage 175 sqft (16.26 sqmt), Hanumanganj, Galla Bazar, Tehsil Huzur, Bhopal (M.P.) in the name of Suresh Sangtani
    b)    Part of House No 56-57, Ground Floor area 200 sqft (18.58 sqmt) & Passage 175 sqft (16.26 sqmt), Hanumanganj, Galla Bazar, Tehsil Huzur, Bhopal (M.P.) in the name of Usha Sangtani
  • Part of House No 56-57, part of Basement area 913 sqft (134.94 sqmt), Hanumanganj, Galla Bazar, Tehsil Huzur, Bhopal (M.P.) in the name of Suresh Sangtani and Usha Sangtani
  • Plot No. GBF -202 area 92.93 sqmt or 1000 sqft Naveen Pragand Karond, Tehsil Huzur, Bhopal (M.P.) in the name of M/s Dayaldas Arjundas
  • Plot/House No 110 part of Khasra No 70/1 & 177 area 1500 sqft situated at Aditya Avenue, Village Laukhedi, Airport Road, Patwari Hlka No.23, Tehsil Huzur, Bhopal (M.P.) in the name of Smt. Usha Sangtani W/O Shri Suresh Sangtani & (2) Shri Suresh Sangtani S/O Late Narayan Das Sangtani
  • Flat No. F-1, First Floor area 52.18 sqm Shri Ram Arcade, South Extension Colony, Plot No. 63 part of Khasra No. 31/1 (Lokmaye Griha Nirman Sahakari Samiti Mydt) Village Gehunkheda Tehsil Huzur, Bhopal (M.P.) in the name of Usha Sangtani
25-04-2025 28-04-2025
  • All that right title and interest in the property bearing office No.701 admeasuring about 2280 square feet on 7th Floor of the property known as “Trividh Chambers”, City Curvey Nondh No.2886/B/1 paiki of Ward No.3, Ring Road area, Taluka City District Surat
  • All that right title and interest in the property bearing Flat No.801 admeasuring about 5000.00 square feet super built-up on 8th floor of the “A” building of “Ashirwad Palace”, Revenue Survey No.58/1 paiki and 57 & 56+83 of village Bhatar Taluka Majura District Surat and Final Plot No.119 & 120 paiki of T.P. Scheme No.27 (Bhatar Majura)
  • All that right title and interest in the property bearing Shop No.L/2 admeasuring about 186 square feet carpet area, Shop No.L/3 & L/10 admeasuring about 372 square feet carpet on Lower Ground Floor of building known as “Centre Point”, City Survey Nondh No.1929/C/A-B-C-D of City Survey Ward No.2 at Ring Road area of city of Surat
07-05-2025 08-05-2025