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SMS Banking Recharge through SMS

Never run out of balance with Recharge through SMS service provided by Axis Bank. One of the main feature of Axis Bank’s SMS Banking is that along with prepaid mobile recharge, you can perform DTH Recharge, Data Card Recharge and much more by using SMS banking. With recharge through SMS, always stay connected to your loved ones.

Axis Bank brings you the convenience of recharging your prepaid mobile connection while you are on the move. This comes handy when you don’t have the internet connection for recharging your prepaid mobile. Instantly recharge your prepaid mobile by sending a simple SMS to +919951860002 & 56161600.

To recharge through Axis SMS Services follow the steps mentioned below:

Type an SMS in the format given below and send it to +919951860002 & 56161600. Status of the SMS transaction will be sent to you via an SMS. Format: MOBILE[space]mobile number[space]operator name[space]amount[space]last 6 digits of your Axis Bank account number.

Example: If the last 6 digits of your Axis Bank account number are 123456, to recharge a Vodafone number 9820698206 for Rs. 100, you need to send the following SMS to +919951860002 & 56161600: MOBILE 9820698206 VODAFONE 100 123456

Axis Bank introduces a fast and convenient way to recharge your DTH connection on the go using a single SMS. To use this service you do not need to download any application or have GPRS connection.

To recharge through Axis SMS Services follow the steps mentioned below:

Simply type an SMS in the format given below and send to +919951860002 & 56161600. Status of the SMS transaction will be sent to you via an SMS. DTH [space] Customer ID[space]operator name[space]amount[space]last 6 digits of his Axis Bank account number.

Example: If the last 6 digits of your Axis Bank account number are 123456, to recharge a TATASKY connection 1000000001 for Rs. 200, you need to send the following SMS to +919951860002 & 56161600: DTH 1000000001 TATASKY 200 123456.

Axis Bank introduces a fast and convenient way to recharge your data card connection on the go using a single SMS. To use this service you do not need to download any application or have GPRS connection.

Click here to find out operator/circle list for which recharge service is available.

To recharge through Axis SMS Services follow the steps mentioned below:

Simply type an SMS in the format given below and send to +919951860002 & 56161600. Status of the SMS transaction will be sent to you via an SMS.

DATA[space]Data Card number[space]operator name[space]amount[space]last 6 digits of your Axis Bank account number.

Example: If the last 6 digits of your Axis Bank account number are 123456, to recharge a Vodafone data card number 9820698206 for Rs. 100, you need to send the following SMS to +919951860002 & 56161600: DATA 9820698206 VODAFONE 100 123456

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