Axis Mobile - Corporate Banner

Managing your business at your fingertips

Axis Mobile – Corporate FAQ'S

An exclusive application to help Axis Bank’s Corporate banking customers oversee and execute their daily transactions remotely and at their convenience. This mobile app can be used for viewing account details, initiation of Single Payments and approval of transactions initiated from multiple Digital Channels i.e. CIB (Corporate Internet Banking), Bulk, Host to Host (H2H), Trade & Forex and GST providing the convenience of anywhere and anytime banking. The application can be used on Android and iOS smartphones.

Scan here to download IOS App

Scan here to download Android App

Axis Mobile - Corporate is a mobile Application for users to access their Corporate Internet Banking interface. This mobile app can be used for viewing account details, initiation of Single Payments and approval of transactions initiated from multiple Digital Channels i.e. CIB (Corporate Internet Banking), Bulk, Host to Host (H2H), Trade & Forex and GST providing the convenience of anywhere and anytime banking.
Smart phones running Android (Version 7.0 and above) and iPhones (Version 12.0 and above) can be used for using the application.
Currently this application is designed specifically for mobile phones. However, this may also work on your tab, you may download the app and try using the same.

No, you have to use your existing credentials for the corporate internet banking portal, i.e. Corporate ID, User ID and Password for logging in the first time.

The Axis Mobile- Corporate App enables users to view, approve and manage transactions (initiate & approve) on the go.

Its features include:

Dashboard/Account View – A consolidated balance report of all accounts that are linked to the corporate ID, with the option for statements to be sent to registered email id.

Transaction management -

  • Single Payment transactions can be initiated from the mobile app (Fund Transfer, NEFT, RTGS, IMPS)
  • Payee Management (Addition and Deletion) can also be done from the mobile app
  • Using the app, you can view and approve the transactions pending for authorisation. These can be Single, Bulk, Host to Host, Trade& Forex and Bulk approval of GST transactions
  • The app also maintains a record of transactions pending with the Bank for reference.
  • Furthermore it provides alerts for, upcoming/scheduled payments, transactions etc. for your ready reference.

Services –

  • Users can update scheme codes of Current Accounts linked in their User set up from the app itself
  • Users can update email ids of Current Accounts linked in their User set up from the app itself

Administration -

  • Using Axis Mobile Corporate, you can set up transaction preferences w.r.t. dates and amounts
  • You can select up to 3 accounts as favourite accounts for regular view/approval transactions
  • View individual Contact Details –User contact details for individual accounts are visible via the app for your convenience.

The Axis Mobile- Corporate App helps you

View linked accounts at one touch – Equipped with a comprehensive Dashboard, Account View feature; the Axis Mobile Corporate App lets you view a consolidated balance report of all accounts that are linked to your corporate ID. Additionally you can also have the statements for these sent to the registered email id.

Manage and Approve transactions -

  • Single Payment transactions can be initiated from the mobile app (Fund Transfer, NEFT, RTGS, IMPS)
  • Payee Management (Addition and Deletion) can also be done from the mobile app
  • Using the app, you can view and approve the transactions pending for authorisation. These can be Single, Bulk, Host to Host, Trade& Forex and GST
  • The app also maintains a record of transactions pending with the Bank for reference.
  • Furthermore it provides alerts for, upcoming/scheduled payments, transactions etc. for your ready reference.

Services –

  • Users can update scheme codes of Current Accounts linked in their User set up from the app itself
  • Users can update email ids of Current Accounts linked in their User set up from the app itself

Schedule your preferences - Axis Mobile Corporate lets you set up transaction preferences w.r.t. dates and amounts. Letting you set up to 3 regularly used accounts with preferences for payouts, balance views etc. What’s more, individual users’ contact details for linked accounts can also be viewed via the app.

You can login to the mobile app by using the credentials for your Corporate Banking Account: Corporate ID, Login ID and password. Once the details are entered an OTP is generated on the registered mobile no. Consecutive login in the same device will require only the Login Password to be entered.
Yes, you can use mPIN to login. It is a feature enhancement on the existing corporate mobile app to have as a convenience and secure facility to login for customers. mPIN is 6-digit personalized code and is created by customer.

Single Payment Transactions can be initiated on the Axis Mobile- Corporate App. Fund Transfer, NEFT, RTGS and IMPS.

You can check the status of the transactions in ‘Status Enquiry’ option.

Yes, users can add new payee from the mobile app. Users can also delete existing payee from the app itself.

It does 30 mins for Payee to reflect in the list of Payees post authorisation. Payee registered after 8 PM will be active on next day only.

Yes. User can set up to 5 favourite transactions for Single Payment initiation. He also has the option to delete them if he wants.

Currently user needs to validate via OTP for approving transactions, initiating transactions and initiating service request.
The User ID will get locked after 3 consecutive incorrect attempts. You can unlock your ID using “ Trouble Login IN?>> Unlock Account” in the mobile app.
Yes. You can see your account balances on the mobile app.
While you cannot download an account statement directly using the Axis Mobile corporate App, you can have a PDF of your account statement sent to your registered email id, from where you can access/download it.

The upcoming payments are visible in the Alerts section of the app.

The calendar is used to show the upcoming transaction two days before expiry
Yes. The App can be used on both national and international roaming, provided there are no country specific restriction on the internet.
Yes, you can see 3 of your favourite accounts on the dashboard if you have more than 3 accounts mapped.

Your account details are not stored on the Mobile Application. Hence you should not experience any threat to your data unless your password has been compromised. However, should you lose your mobile phone, we advise that you review your account transaction history on Corporate Internet Banking (CIB) and immediately report any suspicious transactions to us to Customer Care on 18605004971 (charges applicable) or 18004190097 (toll-free) available 24x7 or write to Alternatively, you may also connect with your Relationship Manager or Nodal Branch.

The Mobile Banking facility offers the same set of security controls as Internet Banking. Similar features like server authentication, customer authentication, and transaction limit controls and data encryption are part of the Mobile banking facility.
You can write to or connect with our Phone Banking team on 18605004971 (charges applicable) or 18004190097 (toll-free) available 24x7. Alternatively, you may also connect with your Relationship Manager or Nodal Branch.
The latest version of Axis Mobile - Corporate App is 2.5 on Play Store and 2.3 App Store
You can go to ‘Trouble logging in? > Get your login details’ on the login page of Corporate Internet Banking. Fill in your registered Email ID, Country and Registered Mobile Number (RMN) and proceed. Post submitting, your credentials will be sent to your Registered Email ID.

You can report fraudulent transaction/s by initiating “Mark a Fraud” option on

  • Corporate Internet Banking (CIB) platform & the Axis Mobile Corporate app (CMB)
  • Customers can also reach out to the Corporate Customer Care team by writing at or calling on 18605004971 (charges applicable) or 18004190097 (toll-free) available 24x7.

Only Approver/s can initiate “Mark a Fraud” for transaction/s on CIB / CMB

  • Notification via email will be sent to all authorised signatories once an online transaction/s is reported as “Mark a Fraud”
  • All the set ups in CIB / CMB linked with the account will be disabled by the Bank for investigation purposes for up to 90 days
  • User will further not be able to repair, modify, copy or mark the said transaction/s as favourite
  • Till the investigation is entirely completed, no further online transaction/s can be carried out from the disabled setups
  • In case of any scheduled / recurring transaction/s, it will be cancelled by the Bank and the customer will have to initiate fresh transaction/s

You will not be able to log into Corporate Internet and Mobile Banking platform as the ID will be disabled

You will be required to submit a request letter from the authorised signatories to your Branch or Relationship Manager (RM) or send out an email to"> from an authorized signatories to the Corporate Customer Care team. Post verification, set-up will be enabled by the Bank

Post completion of entire investigation at the Bank’s end, set-up linked with the account will be enabled

Temporary credit will be provided by the bank during investigation. If the transaction/s is identified fraudulent while undergoing investigation, then the final or the amount which was transacted by the customer will be credited to the account after completion of entire investigation

You can initiate “Mark a Fraud” only for Single Payment transaction/s (NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, FT payments) initiated from CIB and CMB

You can raise a dispute only for Single Payment transactions (NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, FT payments) initiated from CIB and CMB.

You will be required to reset your login password every 90 days to continue accessing Corporate Banking facilities.

You can change your password from the 91st day till the 180th day to access Corporate Banking facilities. Your account will be temporarily deactivated after 180 days. You will need to contact your Relationship Manager (RM) / nearest branch to reactivate.

You will receive a pre-intimation alert from the Bank from the 85th day till the 90th day and from the 175th day till the 180th day to change your login password. On the 181st day, you will receive an alert of account disablement. Please ensure that your email ID and mobile number registered with Corporate Internet Banking platform are updated in the Bank’s records for receiving alerts.

An existing user can set mPIN by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Click on ‘Set mPIN’ on the login page
  • Enter the password and proceed with SIM binding process
  • Set 6-digit mPIN and confirm
  • mPIN will be set successfully
  • Enter mPIN
  • Go to the ‘Administration’ tab on the top left corner
  • Click on ‘Change mPIN’
  • Enter ‘Current mPIN’, ‘New mPIN’ and confirm new mPIN
  • New mPIN will be set successfully

Single User, whose mobile number is registered with the Bank for Corporate Internet Banking, can log in with mPIN.

  • Click on ‘Reset mPIN’ on the login page
  • Enter Corporate ID, Login ID, Password and OTP on the login page
  • User will be prompted to set up mPIN
  • If user accepts – he/she will be taken ahead for SIM binding process
  • User to set 6-digit mPIN and confirm
  • mPIN will be set successfully

A new user can set mPIN by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Enter Corporate ID, Login ID, Password and OTP on the login page
  • User will be prompted to set up mPIN
  • If user accepts – they will be taken ahead for SIM binding process
  • User to set 6-digit mPIN and confirm
  • MPIN will be set successfully

No, mPIN can be used as a login method only on one device at a time.

A user with multiple user IDs cannot login with mPIN at the same time with the same mobile number as mPIN is mapped only once on the registered mobile number. The user can login with credentials by clicking on ‘Not You?’. They will get de-registered from mPIN and can continue logging in using Corporate ID, User ID and Password.

  • SIM binding is a type of device binding where an individual uses their mobile phone and binds that phone to their SIM card. This provides security in user authentication.
  • SIM binding process is where an automated SMS will be sent from the device to CIB as a part of SIM binding for Android devices.
  • It also helps to bind SIM card with User ID / Corporate ID and validate the registered mobile number with the Bank

User needs to enable mPIN functionality on Axis Mobile - Corporate app to generate OTP on mobile.

  • User can generate OTP from anywhere and anytime via Axis Mobile - Corporate App.
  • No need to carry one-touch devices for transaction approval.
  • Alternative for SMS OTP and On-call OTP.
  • Highly secure with features like SIM binding and mPIN authentication.
  • Can be used for login and transactions on the Web and Mobile browser.
  • mPIN should be enabled for the user.
  • Open Axis Mobile - Corporate App.
  • Click on ‘Generate OTP’ on pre-login screen.
  • Enter ‘mPIN’ and submit.

Any User who has registered on Axis Mobile - Corporate App and has enabled mPIN can use this feature.

‘Generate OTP on mobile’ option can be used only for login and for initiating transactions on web and browser both.

User needs to enable mPIN on Axis Mobile - Corporate App to use this functionality.

No, generate OTP will work for User ID mapped to the registered mobile number. Authentication for different login ID and mobile number is restricted.

Yes, generate OTP on mobile is secure with SIM binding and mPIN process. Also, it is accessible only after authorising mPIN.

Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities and are managed by professional Fund Managers.

Mutual Funds offer diversification, professional management, liquidity and potentially higher returns as compared to traditional Savings Accounts or Fixed Deposits.

Corporate investors can choose from equity funds, debt funds, hybrid funds, money market funds and sector-specific funds, depending on their investment objectives and risk appetite.

A Sole Proprietor corporate customer can invest directly through the Corporate Internet Banking platform.

Minimum investment requirements vary by fund and AMC, so it is important to check specific fund documentation for details.

Most Mutual Funds allow redemptions at any time, but some may have specific terms or exit loads that apply.

Corporates can log in to CIB > Mutual Funds > Select Cust ID > click on Portfolio on PFM page to monitor their investments.

Yes, Mutual Funds can be included in corporate retirement plans, offering employees a range of investment options for their retirement savings.

Fees typically include expense ratios, management fees, and sometimes front-end or back-end loads. It is important to review the fund's prospectus for detailed fee information.

Kindly follow below steps

  • Log in to Corporate Internet Banking
  • On the dashboard, click on ‘Mutual Funds’
  • Select Customer ID from the drop down menu
  • Please click on ‘Continue’ to access Mutual Funds application
  • You will be redirected to the Portfolio Management (PFM) page
  • Select fund > Lumpsum or SIP option and click on ‘Continue’
  • OTP will be received on the PFM registered email id and mobile number
  • Enter OTP and click on ‘Verify OTP’
  • You will receive a transaction confirmation message

Yes, you can invest in NFOs though Corporate Internet Banking.

SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) and Lump Sum (One-time investment) methods are available on Corporate Internet Banking to invest in Mutual Funds.

  • Investment Management: View and invest in a wide range of Mutual Funds from various AMC’s directly through the platform
  • Transaction History: Monitor past transactions and investment performance along with statement downloads
  • Research and Analysis tools: Explore detailed performance reports and market insights
  • User Experience: Seamless fund transfer to Mutual Funds, simple navigations, alerts and notifications
  • Portfolio Management: View, manage and rebalance the entire Mutual Funds portfolio including gains, losses and asset allocation on the platform
  • Explore Investment Ideas: Comprehensive resources and tools to help understand Mutual Funds investing better

Through Corporate Internet Banking, you can typically execute several types of Mutual Funds transactions, including Systematic Investment Plans (SIP), Lumpsum, Redemptions, Switching and Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWP), viewing and tracking of Mutual Funds portfolio and performance and transaction history.

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