Two Wheeler Loan Banner

Paperless and quick sanction of loans for all your business’ needs

  • Paperless Experience and minimal documentation

    Get your 24x7 Business Loan with just a few clicks through internet banking or the Axis mobile app. Minimal documentation involved for application, with zero documentation needed for pre-qualified Axis bank customers
  • Collateral free loan

    Avail of an advance for your business needs without the need for collateral.
  • Flexibility of Tenure

    Applying for 24x7 Business Loans, grant you flexibility in your repayment tenure and schedule, enabling you to map your repayment cycle in advance.
  • Paperless Experience and minimal documentation

    Get approval for your Business Loan with just a few clicks through internet banking or the Axis mobile app. Minimal documentation involved for application, instant disbursal and zero documentation needed for pre-qualified Axis bank customers