NRE Deposit -
Invest in NRE
Rupee Deposits

With Axis Bank NRE Rupee Deposits, you can now get higher interest rates and tenure starting from 1 year with seamless repatriability. Along with flexible tenure earn a tax-free interest. Below we have listed down the different benefits of NRE Rupee Deposits


With Axis Bank NRE Rupee Deposits, you can now get higher interest rates and tenure starting from 1 year with seamless repatriability. Along with flexible tenure earn a tax-free interest. Below we have listed down the different benefits of NRE Rupee Deposits

Fund your account with any convertible currency received from abroad

Continue earning interest with automatic renewals with automatic renewal of principal and interest on maturity

Benefit from long term investments - Deposits can be held for a period of 1 year to 10 years

Enjoy competitive rates of interest - Attractive interest rates available

Transfer funds overseas easily - Principal amount and interest earned are fully repatriable

Interest earned not taxable in India

Avail of overdraft facilities up to 85% of the deposit

Ensure easy operations With the nomination facility

Be assured of competitive exchange rates - Competitive exchange rates available when converting foreign currency into Rupees

Withdraw money when you need

  • Partial withdrawal of the deposits allowed with NRE Savings Account with Premature Encashment
  • For NRE Term Deposits of a contracted amount less than Rs 5 Crores opened/renewed, interest rate shall be prevailing as on the date of deposit, as applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the bank or the contracted rate, whichever is lower
  • For NRE Term Deposits of a contracted amount of Rs 5 Crores and above, interest rate shall be 1% below the card rate prevailing as on the date of deposit, as applicable for the period the deposit has remained with the bank or 1% below the contracted rate, whichever is lower
  • In case the NRE term deposit is closed prematurely, before completion of the minimum period of 1year, no interest shall be paid for the said term deposit
  • However, except the provisions relating to rate of interest, such deposit would be treated as resident deposits from the date of return of the account holder to India and taxed accordingly for all other purposes
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Get payment of interest on overdue deposits

  • The bank may, at its discretion, renew an overdue NRE or FCNR deposit or a portion thereof provided the overdue period from the date of maturity till the date of renewal (both days inclusive), does not exceed 14 days and at the time of renewal banks are required to apply the rate prevailing on the date of renewal or on the date of maturity, whichever is lower
  • In case the overdue period exceeds 14 days, banks are free to fix their own rate for the overdue period if the entire amount or a part thereof is kept as a fresh deposit
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NRI Easy Guide

NRI Easy Guide