Immediate Payment Services

Get inter-bank, account to account funds transfer, 24x7, all days of the year, for all account holders

Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)

Enjoy instant fund transfer now with Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), available 24x7, 365 days. Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) is an instant interbank electronic fund transfer service available 24x7, throughout the year including Sundays and any bank holiday. Customer can transfer and receive funds via IMPS by registering a beneficiary on Axis Internet banking portal or Axis Mobile Banking application using their Account number and IFSC code or Mobile number and Beneficiary bank name.

Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)

Enjoy instant fund transfer now with Immediate Payment Service (IMPS), available 24x7, 365 days. Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) is an instant interbank electronic fund transfer service available 24x7, throughout the year including Sundays and any bank holiday. Customer can transfer and receive funds via IMPS by registering a beneficiary on Axis Internet banking portal or Axis Mobile Banking application using their Account number and IFSC code or Mobile number and Beneficiary bank name.

Advantages of IMPS

  • The account of the receiver is credited instantly.
  • The facility is available 24x7, throughout the year including Sundays and bank holidays.
  • The limit and timing details are as follows:
Rs. 5 Lakh per transaction24 x 7 (365 Days)

Types of IMPS

  • IIMPS fund transfers by registering a beneficiary using mobile number and beneficiary bank name for all banks live on IMPS Simplified Flow (P2P)
  • IMPS funds transfer using Account Number and IFSC Banks live on IMPS funds transfer through using account number & IFSC Code (P2A):
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Smart banking tools so
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