As per RBI circulars DBOD.No.Leg BC.91/09.07.005/2007-08 dated 4th June, 2008; DBOD No.Leg.BC.123/09.07.005/2008-09 dated 13th April 2009, DBOB.No.Leg.BC.38/09.07.005/2012-13 dated 5th September 2012, DBOD.No.Leg.BC.113 09.07.005/2013-14
dated 21st May, 2014 and DBR.No.Leg.BC.96/09.07.005/2017-18 dated 9th November, 2017 banking services are offered to differently abled.
Customer centricity is one of the core values of the bank. Bank promotes a fair and equitable relationship between the Bank and the customer. Bank treats all customers fairly and does not discriminate customers against any grounds such
as gender, age, religion, caste, literacy, economic status or physical ability.
Banks endeavour is to provide customers with hassle free and fair treatment at all times. Bank is also sensitive to the needs of certain customer segments to ensure seamless access to banks products and services to such segment. This does
not tantamount to any unfair discrimination.
To cater the needs of "differently abled" customers, bank has enabled all its ATMs with braille keypad and talking functionality (voice guidance).
Axis Bank also ensures wheelchair accessibility at branches and ATMs, making them accessible for differently-abled customers. Click here to view the list of branches and Click here to view the list of ATMs.
To assist customers all branches clearly specify the Name of designated branch official to be reached out in case customers need any assistance. Further in case the branch official is not able to resolve customers concern he may bring
it to the notice of circle nodal officer of the bank. To view details of the Circle Nodal Officer, please click here To view details of the Circle Nodal Officer
Nodal Officer at Head Office for persons with disabilities -
Write | Email | Call |
Nodal Officer, Mr. Manish Katiyar Axis Bank Ltd, NPC1, 5th Floor, "Gigaplex", Plot No I.T.5, MIDC, Airoli Knowledge, Park, Airoli, Navi Mumbai-400708. |
| Ph. 91-080-61865200 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM Monday to Saturday (Except 2nd & 4th Saturdays and Bank Holidays) |
The “BANKERS GUIDE FOR CUSTOMERS WHO ARE DIFFERENTLY-ABLED” compiled by Indian Banks’ Association can be viewed