8 minsDecember 25, 2017
We all engage in some economic activity and work hard to make a living. As we earn, we also do attract the
attention of the taxman –– the Income Tax Department. Thus, it becomes imperative for us to work
a little harder and smarter
to save taxes prudently and legitimately.
Ideally, do not keep tax planning for the eleventh hour. Engaging in prudent tax planning exercise a little earlier, whereby
it can be all-inclusive, encompassing, and compliment tax planning with investment planning.
Unlike ‘tax saving’, which is generally achieved vide investments in tax saving
instruments/products; ‘tax planning’ is far more sophisticated. In the latter, your larger
financial plan, financial goals, risk appetite,
investment horizon, among a host of other facets are taken into before investing hard-earned money in
tax-efficient investments ––– intended at wealth creating creation and saving taxes. Plus,
under tax planning the other
provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 are exploited besides Section 80C.
Here are 4 mistakes you should clearly avoid while you endeavour to save tax:
- Procrastination
- Never put off for tomorrow, what you can do today.” – Thomas Jefferson (one of the
founding fathers of the United States and the principal author of Declaration of Independence).
- Being a pro at procrastination will result in sub-optimal tax saving. Later, at the end of the
financial year, you could miss out or ignore various pertinent aspects that can aid in efficient
tax saving.
- Investing in unsuitable tax saving instruments
- At the end of the financial year, many of you might receive telephone calls from insurance
companies and agents pestering you to invest in a variety of tax saving instruments. But not all
investment products may be best suited for
you. So, consider investing and insuring as per your financial plan. There’s no point
buying anything and everything.
- Underestimating the power of compounding
- Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, once called the power of compounding as the eighth wonder
of the world. ”Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it,
earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays
it”, he said. And indeed, as investors, you cannot dismiss the magic compounding can bring
to your investment portfolio.
- Hence, always make it a point to invest sensibly to counter inflation and earn tax-efficient
returns. The role of equity as an asset class cannot be ignored in one’s tax saving
portfolio too. Thus, recognise your risk profile
and consider tax saving mutual funds (also known as Equity Linked Savings Schemes or ELSS).
- Being averse to risk is well appreciated by us. But if your age, income, ability to take risk
and financial goals, permit you to take equity exposure, one should not ignore the same.
- Not exploiting relevant provisions astutely
- You see, there’s more to tax saving and tax planning than Section 80C. To bring to your
notice, our Income Tax Act, 1961 also considers the humane side of our life and also gives
deductions for contributions you make on such
- So, if you pay your medical insurance premium, incur expenditure on the medical treatment of a
“dependant” handicapped, donate to specified funds for specified causes, take a loan
to pursue higher education, or if you are
an individual suffering from “specified” diseases; then all these expenses can help
you effectively plan your tax obligations, optimally reducing your tax liability.
recognise the urge to buy your dream
home by availing a home loan; the Income Tax Act also extends tax saving benefits to
Hence, think beyond Section 80C and save tax more efficiently.
A sensible approach while considering Section 80C
Section 80C offers a number of tax saving investment avenues:
- Life Insurance
- Public Provident Fund (PPF)
- Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF)
- Sukanya Samriddhi Account
- National Saving Certificate (NSC)
- 5-Year fixed deposits with banks, Post Office
- Senior Citizens Savings Scheme (SCSS)
- National Pension System (NPS)
- Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)
- Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS)
- Pension Plans
But approach these recognising your risk appetite and classifying them as “market-linked tax saving
investments” and “assured return tax saving investments”.
The market-linked tax saving investments such as the following are best suited for risk-takers, i.e. if you
are young, income is high, liabilities are low, investment horizon before financial goals befall is far, and
ultimate objective is effective
wealth creation.
- Equity Linked Savings Schemes
- Pension Funds (or retirement fund offered by mutual funds)
- Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)
- National Pension System
Assured return tax saving investments on the other hand, such as the following, are best suited for
risk-averse investors, i.e. who are nearing retirement, or retired, have no regular source of income, are
shouldering many liabilities, investment
horizon is short, and are looking for assured returns (in the form of interest) from investments.
- Non-Unit Linked Life Insurance Plans
- Public Provident Fund
- National Saving Certificate
- 5-year Tax Saving Bank Fixed Deposit
- 5-Year Post Office Time Deposit
- Senior Citizen Savings Scheme
- Sukanya Samriddhi Account
Besides, the tuition fees paid for children’s education (maximum 2 children) and principal repayment on
Housing Loan are also eligible for a deduction under Section 80C. Therefore, use Section 80C sensibly to
enjoy the maximum permissible
deduction of overall Rs 1,50,000 per annum.
[Read: Half Year On,
Investments You Can Do Now To Save Tax!]
Thinking beyond Section 80C
Remember, the Income Tax Act, 1961 does take into consideration the humane side of our life and allows
deduction for such expenditures. One such deduction is Section 80D of the Act.
Premium paid on a medical insurance policy: Section 80D
When you pay the premiums for a medical insurance policy – commonly referred to as mediclaim (also
known has a health insurance policy) to
cover self, spouse, dependent children,
and parents against any unexpected medical expenses, it qualifies for a deduction under Section 80D.
In addition to individual assesses, a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) too can claim a deduction under this
Section provided the premium is paid for the benefit of any member of the HUF.
The deduction is available only on ‘actual payment basis’ for mediclaim insurance premiums, but
subject to a maximum permissible limit as under:
[Also Read: Latest Income Tax Slabs]
For Individuals: Currently the maximum deduction individuals are entitled is as under:
- Upto Rs 25,000 in case of a non-senior citizen (less than 60 years of age) paying for self, spouse, and
dependent children.
- Upto Rs 30,000 in case of a senior citizen (60 years and above) paying for self, spouse, and dependent
Further, for mediclaim insurance premiums paid for and on behalf of parents (father, mother or both), an
additional deduction permitted is as under:
- Upto Rs 25,000 for non-senior citizens parents (less than 60 years of age) –– irrespective
whether dependent or not
- Upto Rs 30,000 for senior-citizen parents (60 years and above) –– irrespective whether
dependent or not
For very senior citizens (more than 80 year old), who may not have a health insurance policy, the deduction
upto Rs 30,000 per annum can be claimed towards medical check-ups and treatments. So, if your parents are
super-senior citizens, don’t
forget to claim this.
Thus, the maximum deduction that can be claimed as a deduction under Section 80D by individuals is Rs 60,000.
For HUFs:
- To claim a deduction, the mediclaim insurance policy can be in the name of any member of the HUF.
- The deduction under Section 80D for an HUF is otherwise upto Rs 25,000. However, if the family member
covered by the mediclaim insurance policy is a senior citizen, the deduction under Section 80D increases
to Rs 30,000.
With effect from Assessment Year 2017-18, expenditure towards preventive health check-ups can be claimed as
deduction upto Rs 5,000 –– irrespective of senior or non-senior citizen, and whether in India or
abroad (provided your health
insurance policy permits and insurer is registered with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority).
This means, if you are paying a premium of less than Rs 10,000; you may avail this benefit and save tax.
But, this deduction is very
much a part of this of maximum permissible deduction under Section 80D.
Care to take while paying medical insurance premiums:
Section 80D stipulates that the medical insurance premium should be paid in any mode other than cash
–– so, preferably vide cheque, net banking, debit card, credit card, or any other acceptable
mode. If you pay medical insurance premium
in cash, you are not entitled to claim a deduction under Section 80D.
However, for preventive health check-ups the payment can be done in any mode, including cash.
Also, here are a few exclusions when claiming deductions under Section 80D:
- Group health insurance policies are not eligible for tax deduction under Section 80D. However, when you
pay extra premium to enhance your group cover or buy a separate/additional health insurance policy, a
deduction can be claimed.
- If children financially independent, parents can’t claim deduction for their mediclaim health
insurance premium and preventive health check-ups.
- Mediclaim insurance premium paid on behalf of in-laws—––irrespective whether dependent
or not––—is not entitled for a deduction under Section 80D.
- The tax component in the premium amount cannot be claimed; only the premium amount is allowed as
deduction under Section 80D. The premiums should be paid in financial year relevant to the Assessment
An education loan can help you save tax: Section 80E
While pursuing a personal goal to enrol for “higher education” in order to be competitive enough
to meet your financial goals; the Income Tax Act offers you a deduction on the interest paid, when you take
a loan to fulfil such dreams.
The education loan can be even taken for your spouse or children or for any person (minor) for whom you are
the legal guardian. The interest paid on the loan makes you eligible for deduction under Section 80E. This
deduction is not available to
a HUF.
The deduction is available for a maximum of 8 years or till the interest is paid, whichever is earlier. So,
to simplify it further, the deduction is available from the year you start paying the interest on the
education loan, and the seven immediately
succeeding financial years or until the interest is paid in full, whichever is earlier.
It is vital to note that deduction can be claimed only if the loan has been taken from a bank, approved
financial institution, or an approved charitable institution.
It is vital to note that deduction can be claimed only if the education loan has been taken from a bank,
approved financial institution, or an approved charitable institution.
A home loan can get you tax benefits: Sec. 24(b) and Sec. 80C:
Many aspire to buy their dream home or construct or reconstruct/repair it. For some, the amount of wealth
created allows buying or constructing or reconstructing or repairing or renewing homes from own funds. But
for those who haven’t made
this provision, a home loan is tax efficient option. Yes, under the Income Tax Act “repayment of
principal amount” and “payment of interest” are eligible for tax benefit.“Repayment
of principal amount”,
can be claimed as deduction upto a sum of Rs 1.50 lakh under Section 80C …and it is available
irrespective whether you stay in the same property (Self Occupied Property - SOP), or have let it out on
rent (Let Out Property - LOP).
In Union Budget 2016, the Government reintroduced Section 80EE (which was initially introduced effective
2013-14 and was applicable for only 2 assessment years, 2014-15 and 2015-16) for first time home buyers to
avail an additional tax benefit
of Rs 50,000, after satisfying certain conditions which are:
- Value of the property is Rs 50 lakh or less
- Loan taken for this house is Rs 35 lakh or less
- Loan has been sanctioned by a financial institution or a housing finance company
- Loan has been sanctioned between 01-04-2016 and 31-03-2017
- As on the date of the sanction of the loan no other house is owned by you
But, this additional tax benefit exemption can be availed once you have exhausted the deduction limit under
Section 24(b) for the interest portion. The deduction limit under Section 24(b) for interest payment of a
home loan on a self-occupied
property is currently Rs 2.00 lakh for Self Occupied Property, while there is no such limit for a let-out
property as the actual interest payable is eligible for deduction under Section 24(b). This applies even in
the case where you have two
home loans for two different properties, where one is self-occupied and the other has been let out on rent.
Coming back to Section 80EE; if you are a first time home buyer and satisfy the aforementioned conditions,
the maximum deduction you can avail is Rs 2.00 lakh for interest under Section 24(b) plus and additional
deduction of Rs 50,000 under Section
If the loan is taken for the purpose of reconstructing, repairing or renewing the property, the amount of
deduction under Section 24(b) will be restricted to Rs 30,000, irrespective whether you want to stay in it
or let it out on rent.
Consider home loans
from Axis Banks at an attractive interest rate.
Donating for a cause can help: Section 80G
Donations to certain specified funds, charitable institutions, approved educational institutions, etc.
qualifies for a deduction under Section 80G. The deductions allowed can be 50% or 100% of the donation,
subject to the limits stated under the
provision of this Section. For example, donations to “National Defence Fund” set up by the
Central Government are allowed 100% deduction, while for “Prime Minister Drought Relief Fund”
are allowed at 50%.
When you donate, make sure that specified funds or charitable institutions are notified. In order to claim
deduction under this section, you are required to attach the proof of payment along with your return on
Contributions made to any political parties or electoral trust: Section 80GGC
Say, you are an ardent follower of a particular political party or electoral trust because you appreciate the
work they do, and decide to make a monetary contribution to the party or electoral trust; the amount you
contribute is eligible for a
deduction under this Section.
Rent paid in respect to property occupied for residential use: Section 80GG
If you are a self-employed or a salaried individual who does not receive any House Rent Allowance (HRA), and
pays rent for an accommodation (irrespective whether furnished or unfurnished) occupied for residential use,
you can claim deduction under
this Section to the extent of least of the following:
- 25% of your total income or,
- Rs 5,000 per month or,
- Rent paid in excess of 10% of your total income
But there are certain pre-conditions to avail this deduction:
- You must pay rent for the house you live in, and should not receive HRA for even a part of the year
- You should not own and occupy any other house anywhere
- You or your spouse or your minor child (which includes step-child and adopted child) or Hindu Undivided
Family (if you are part of one) must not own any residential accommodation in the city you reside or
work in.
To claim deduction under section 80GG, you need to file a declaration in Form No. 10BA.
Claim deduction for interest on savings account: Section 80TTA
This Section allows individuals and HUF to avail a deduction for interest earned on a Savings account , co-operative society and post
office to the extent actual interest or Rs 10,000,
whichever is lower. Interest portion over a sum of Rs 10,000 though will be taxable.
Apart from the above deductions, there are many other available under Section 80, that you should prudently
and legitimately utilise to maximise tax saving.
Section | Quick Description of Deduction |
80C* | Key investment instruments eligible for deduction under this Section include – Equity
Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS), Public Provident Fund (PPF), EPF (Employee Provident Fund),
NSC (National Saving Certificate), Senior Citizen
Savings Scheme (SCSS), 5-year tax saving bank fixed deposits, 5-year Post Office Time
Deposit (POTD) , premium paid for life insurance plans, housing loan principal repayment,
80CCC* | Contribution to Pension Fund of Life Insurance Corporation or any other insurer referred in
section 10(23AAB). |
80CCD* | Contribution to Pension Scheme (National Pension Scheme) notified by Central Government.
Additional deduction of up to Rs.50,000 is allowed for contribution towards NPS which is
over and above the limit of Rs 1.5 lakh under section
80 CCD(1B).
80CCG | Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme (RGESS) |
| Premium paid for medical insurance |
80DD | Maintenance including medical treatment of a handicapped dependent who is a person with
disability |
80DDB | Expenditure incurred in respect of medical treatment |
| Interest on loan taken for pursuing higher education |
80G | Donations to certain funds and charitable institutions |
80GG | Rent paid in respect of property occupied for residential use |
80GGA | Certain donations for scientific research or rural development |
80GGC | Contribution made to any political parties or electoral trust |
80TTA | Deduction in respect of interest earned on savings bank deposits |
80U | Person suffering from specified disability(s) |
Also, remember to optimise your salary structure to save tax
Sit down and prudently assess the components of your salary that can be optimally restructured viz. basis
salary, dearness allowance, house rent allowance, leave travel allowance, transport allowance, medical
reimbursement, mobile/telephone reimbursement,
research allowance, meal allowance, petrol allowance, etc. so as to maximise tax saving.
To conclude…
Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and a renowned polymath, author,
political theorist once aptly said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and
Hence, engage in prudent tax planning right since the beginning of the year. Remember every penny
legitimately saved from tax is a penny earned.
Wish you all Happy Tax Planning!
Disclaimer: This article has been authored by PersonalFN, a Mumbai based Financial
Planning and Mutual Fund research firm known for offering unbiased and honest opinion on investing. Axis
bank doesn't influence any views of the author in any way. Axis Bank & PersonalFN shall not be
responsible for any direct / indirect loss or liability incurred by the reader for taking any financial
decisions based on the contents and information. Please consult your financial advisor before making any
financial decision.
Savings bonds is
another investment options ot choose from.