You check your bank balance and notice a small but steady amount credited as interest every month. It is great to see your money growing, even if it’s just a little. But have you ever wondered if you need to pay taxes on that interest? In India, Savings Account interest is indeed taxable, but there are deductions and exemptions that can help reduce your tax burden. Knowing 'Tax on Savings Account Interest' rules can make a difference in how much you save and pay.
Understanding taxation on interest from a Savings Account
The Income Tax Act requires the inclusion of Savings Account interest income in your total annual income, making it
subject to income tax based on your tax slab rate. This means that the tax on Savings Account interest varies based
on your total income.
How is interest from a Savings Account taxed?
In India, the interest generated from a Savings Account is considered taxable under the category "Income from Other Sources." This interest is taxed based on the individual’s applicable income tax slab rates. However, Section 80TTA of the Income Tax Act permits individuals and Hindu Undivided Families (HUF) to claim an annual deduction of up to ₹10,000 on such interest income. Section 80TTB provides a higher deduction limit of up to ₹50,000 for senior citizens.
For instance, if you earn ₹12,000 in interest from your Savings Account in a year, you are eligible to claim a deduction of ₹10,000 under Section 80TTA. The remaining ₹2,000 would be added to your taxable earnings and taxed according to your income slab rate.
What is Section 80TTA?
Section 80TTA offers a deduction on interest income from Savings Accounts up to a limit of ₹10,000 per financial
year. This deduction is available to individuals and HUFs (Hindu Undivided Families) but not to senior citizens. For
example, if you earn ₹15,000 as interest from a Savings Account, only ₹5,000 will be taxable after the ₹10,000
deduction under Section 80TTA.
Also Read:
6 things to consider before opening a Savings Account
What is Section 80TTB?
Section 80TTB is a provision specifically for senior citizens, allowing a higher deduction limit on interest income
from Savings Accounts. Senior citizens can claim a deduction of up to ₹50,000 under this section, which covers
interest from Savings Accounts and Fixed Deposits.
This is a significant benefit, as it helps reduce the tax burden on senior citizens who rely on interest income for
their expenses.
For example, let's consider the case of Mr Sharma, a 68-year-old retiree. He has a Savings Account and a Fixed
Deposit in a bank from which he earns interest income annually. Here's how Section 80TTB applies to him:
Interest earned:
- Savings Account: ₹20,000
- Fixed Deposit: ₹40,000
- Total interest income: ₹60,000
Tax deduction under Section 80TTB: ₹50,000
Since Mr Sharma is a senior citizen, he can claim a deduction of up to ₹50,000 under Section 80TTB. Therefore, even
though he earns ₹60,000 as interest income, he can reduce his taxable income by ₹50,000. This means that only
₹10,000 of his interest income will be subject to tax.
Taxable interest income after deduction:
- Total interest income: ₹60,000
- Deduction under Section 80TTB: ₹50,000
- Taxable interest income: ₹10,000
This provision significantly lowers Mr Sharma's tax liability, making it a beneficial aspect of tax planning for
senior citizens who rely on interest income as a substantial part of their post-retirement earnings.
Also Read: Savings
Account uses you might not know about
Understanding the tax implications on Savings Account interest is crucial for effective financial planning. The
provisions under Sections 80TTA and 80TTB provide some relief to taxpayers, especially senior citizens.
Banks play a vital role in facilitating these benefits and providing necessary guidance. Axis Bank offers a range of
Savings Account options tailored to meet different needs, including
those of senior citizens. With their comprehensive banking solutions and customer-centric services, Axis Bank can
assist you in maximising your interest income benefits while ensuring adherence to tax regulations.
Also Read: 10 benefits of opening an
Axis Bank Digital Savings Account
Whether it's understanding tax implications or choosing the right Savings Account, a trusted banking partner like
Axis Bank can be instrumental in navigating these financial decisions effectively.
Disclaimer: This article is for information purpose only. The views expressed in this article
are personal and do not necessarily constitute the views of Axis Bank Ltd. and its employees. Axis Bank Ltd.
and/or the author shall not be responsible for any direct / indirect loss or liability incurred by the reader
for taking any financial decisions based on the contents and information. Please consult your financial advisor
before making any financial decision.