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calenderSep 25, 2023

Build your financial future using your first salary

Getting your first salary is a significant milestone. It is an occasion of joy, and a peek into your new life of financial independence. As you're gearing up to navigate this journey, remember that a sound financial plan will be your trusted roadmap.

Welcome to the world of investments

It's easy to get carried away with your first salary. The sudden inflow of money can be thrilling, but you should remember to invest it wisely.

Financial prudence will lead you to a future where your money grows steadily, through vehicles like Mutual Funds, Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits, Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Pension Scheme (NPS) and Gold (via Digital gold and Sovereign Gold Bonds).

Understand different financial vehicles

  • Fixed Deposits offer a safe haven for your money, ensuring steady growth over time. Using an FD Calculator, you can easily estimate your earnings. Likewise, Recurring Deposits (RDs) are a reliable investment option, with an RD Calculator assisting you in gauging future wealth.
  • Mutual Funds, with their Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), offer potentially higher returns, although they come with their own set of risks. Savings bonds can also be a part of your portfolio, offering secure, albeit slower, wealth accumulation.
  • Consider contributing to a PPF Account, which offers tax benefits along with long-term savings. Similarly, an NPS Account could help you secure your retirement years with a steady income.

Building a robust financial plan

Building a robust financial plan is a nuanced process, tailored to individual financial goals, risk tolerance and future requirements. It is akin to crafting a personalised roadmap to navigate your financial journey effectively.

Identify goals

Your financial plan starts with setting clear, measurable and realistic goals. These could include purchasing a home, funding higher education and planning for retirement. These goals will determine the type and level of investments you make.

Assess risk tolerance

Before you start investing, it is essential to understand your risk tolerance. This will determine whether you should opt for safe investments like Fixed Deposits, or riskier ones like Mutual Funds. Younger investors usually have a higher risk tolerance as they have more years to recover from potential losses.

Budget and save

Begin by creating a budget. This step is all about understanding your income and expenses, and determining how much you can afford to save and invest each month.

Keep aside a portion of your income towards an emergency fund, which can act as a financial buffer during unexpected situations.

Diversify your portfolio

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your money across various investment vehicles like Mutual Funds, Fixed Deposits, Recurring Deposits, PPF and NPS. This diversification helps minimise risk and maximise returns over the long run.

Seek professional advice

If you're unsure about crafting a financial plan on your own, consider seeking professional help. Financial advisors can provide you with expert guidance and help you navigate your financial journey.

[Also Read: Received your annual bonus?]


Your first salary is a stepping stone. It's tempting to spend it all on the latest smartphone or a designer bag but take a moment to think.

Wouldn't it be more rewarding to see your money grow? Imagine a future where your money works for you, tirelessly, round the clock. Now, that's a thought to relish!

Your first salary is more than just money; it's an opportunity. It's the first building block towards your financial future. So why not make it count?

Embrace the wide array of investment vehicles available today. Be it through Mutual Funds, SIPs, FDs, Recurring Deposits, NPS or a PPF account; each step you take today is a step towards a financially secure tomorrow.

Remember, 'a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.' So, take your first step towards building a robust financial future with the investment products offered by Axis Bank.

These options are designed to guide you on your financial journey, offering a range of features and benefits that cater to various investment objectives. With Axis Bank's suite of investment products, you can rest assured that you're laying a solid foundation for your financial future.

Disclaimer: This article is for information purpose only. The views expressed in this article are personal and do not necessarily constitute the views of Axis Bank Ltd. and its employees. Axis Bank Ltd. and/or the author shall not be responsible for any direct / indirect loss or liability incurred by the reader for taking any financial decisions based on the contents and information. Please consult your financial advisor before making any financial decision