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calenderJul 18, 2024

Everything you need to know about Gold Loan moratorium

In recent years, Gold Loans have gained significant popularity, owing to their simplicity and ease of access. However, unforeseen circumstances can affect a borrower’s ability to repay loans, prompting measures such as a Gold Loan moratorium.

What is a Gold Loan moratorium?

Gold Loan moratorium refers to a pause in the repayment schedule of a Gold Loan. During the moratorium period, you are not required to make regular interest or principal repayments. This relief measure is typically implemented during extraordinary circumstances, such as economic downturns, natural disasters or global pandemics, which can severely impact one's financial stability. The concept gained significant attention during the COVID-19 pandemic when financial regulators and banks, including Axis Bank, offered moratoriums to help borrowers cope with the economic impact of the crisis.

Eligibility for Gold Loan moratorium

  • Impact of circumstances: You must demonstrate that your financial situation has been adversely affected by the specific circumstances prompting the moratorium, such as a pandemic or natural disaster.
  • Loan status: Individuals with a consistent repayment track record before the moratorium request are more likely to be granted relief. Delinquent loans may not qualify for a moratorium.
  • Loan tenure: The remaining tenure of the loan may also influence eligibility. Lenders may have specific guidelines on the minimum or maximum tenure left on the loan for granting a moratorium.

Process and documentation for Gold Loan Moratorium

1. Application submission: You must submit a formal application requesting a moratorium on your Gold Loan. This can often be done online or by visiting a bank branch.
2. Proof of adversity: You need to provide evidence of financial hardship caused by some circumstances. This can include job loss letters, medical reports or any other relevant documents that substantiate the impact.
3. Loan details: Details of the Gold Loan, including the loan account number, outstanding amount and tenure, must be provided.
4. Identification documents: Standard identification Gold Loan documents, such as a PAN card, Aadhaar card or passport, are required for verification purposes.
5. Additional forms: You might be required to fill out specific forms detailing your current financial situation and agreeing to the terms of the moratorium, including the method of interest calculation during the moratorium period.

Implications of a Gold Loan Moratorium

1. Accrued interest: Interest continues to accrue on the outstanding amount during the moratorium. You should be prepared for a higher repayment amount post-moratorium.
2. Extended Loan tenure: The tenure of the loan may be extended to accommodate the moratorium period, resulting in a prolonged financial obligation.
3. Temporary impact on credit score: Generally, opting for a moratorium does not impact your credit score negatively, provided you resume repayments as per the revised schedule. However, you should confirm this with the lender.
4. Loan reassessment: Post moratorium, lenders may reassess your repayment capability and adjust the loan terms accordingly.

Also Read: Benefits of taking a Gold Loan


A Gold Loan moratorium is a valuable financial tool that provides temporary relief in facing unforeseen financial challenges. While it offers immediate relief, you must consider the long-term implications and plan your finances to ensure smooth repayment once the moratorium period ends.

Understanding the eligibility criteria and documentation requirements for a Gold Loan from Axis Bank can streamline the application process, enabling quick access to funds. You can maintain financial stability and safeguard your creditworthiness by opting for a moratorium if your financial situation is in temporary jeopardy.

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