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You received this email from one of your close friends. You don’t remember any such discussion with your friend, but this seems urgent. What would you do?

Swing and a miss!
Correct answer is :

Call your friend and reconfirm what this actually is before clicking on this link

There are multiple red flags. Firstly, you don’t remember asking for any document from this friend. Also, the email id of the sender ends with .biz, which is suspicious. Please connect and clarify with the friend before going ahead and clicking on the link. This most probably is a phishing link and will end in loss of private and important data on your system.

Absolutely spot on!
Correct answer is :

Call your friend and reconfirm what this actually is before clicking on this link

There are multiple red flags. Firstly, you don’t remember asking for any document from this friend. Also, the email id of the sender ends with .biz, which is suspicious. Please connect and clarify with the friend before going ahead and clicking on the link. This most probably is a phishing link and will end in loss of private and important data on your system.


You’ve received the below message from a close friend on Social Media. What would you do?

Nope, not quite!
Correct answer is :

Contact the friend through a separate channel and inquire/inform them about the message

It is a possibility that your friend’s social media account has been hacked. Do not click on the link since it might contain a malware that can harm your phone, laptop, etc. Also, the best approach would be to contact them using other means. This will help you get clarity as well as will alert the friend in case they are unaware of their account being hacked.

Bravo, that’s the correct answer!
Correct answer is :

Contact the friend through a separate channel and inquire/inform them about the message

It is a possibility that your friend’s social media account has been hacked. Do not click on the link since it might contain a malware that can harm your phone, laptop, etc. Also, the best approach would be to contact them using other means. This will help you get clarity as well as will alert the friend in case they are unaware of their account being hacked.


You just received a call from your Bank. The Bank Representative has just informed you that your Credit Card has just been blocked due to a technical issue. The representative has called you to help with the Card Unblocking, also mentioning that if you don’t unblock your Card now, it will be deactivated completely. He needs your help with sharing the OTP that you’ve just received, to unblock the card. What would you do?

Missed the mark there!
Correct answer is :

Immediately disconnect and not indulge in a conversation

You bank never asks you for your OTP, CVV, ATM PIN. Please do not indulge in any such conversation since this is a fraud!

Bingo, you’ve got it!
Correct answer is :

Immediately disconnect and not indulge in a conversation

You bank never asks you for your OTP, CVV, ATM PIN. Please do not indulge in any such conversation since this is a fraud!


You receive a call from your Internet Provider. According to him, your computer is sending error messages to the provider which may result in your Internet Connection being stopped. The Provider asks for your IP Address and sends the below notification. The Provider is asking you to click on ‘Allow’ on the notification, post which this issue will be resolved. What will you do?

Not hitting the bullseye!
Correct answer is :

Do not entertain the caller further since you are not sure of the Credibility

You should not allow anyone an access to your system. In this case, on top of the illegitimate request for an access to your system, you are not even sure of the credibility of the caller.

You've cracked it!
Correct answer is :

Do not entertain the caller further since you are not sure of the Credibility

You should not allow anyone an access to your system. In this case, on top of the illegitimate request for an access to your system, you are not even sure of the credibility of the caller.


If you had to access your online banking app in public, in case of an emergency, which of the following ways would you use to connect to the Internet?

That’s a no go!
Correct answer is :

Connect via my phone or tablet’s mobile network

Free public Wi-Fi is often an easy target for hackers. Don’t use it for online banking unless it really is an emergency. Your mobile network is less likely to be targeted. Better still use a VPN to encrypt your data when connecting on mobile or Wi-Fi.

Absolutely right!
Correct answer is :

Connect via my phone or tablet’s mobile network

Free public Wi-Fi is often an easy target for hackers. Don’t use it for online banking unless it really is an emergency. Your mobile network is less likely to be targeted. Better still use a VPN to encrypt your data when connecting on mobile or Wi-Fi.


You have received a response on your online ad to sell furniture. The seller has connected with you on WhatsApp. He has agreed to your price and has shared all the Photo ID Proofs and a QR Code to receive the payment on your UPI ID. What would you do?

Not quite on the target!
Correct answer is :

A QR Code sent across cannot be used for a payment receipt but only for sending a payment

A QR Code cannot be used to receive a payment. Do not click on any QR Code you come across. This is a prevalent scam.

You hit the bullseye!
Correct answer is :

A QR Code sent across cannot be used for a payment receipt but only for sending a payment

A QR Code cannot be used to receive a payment. Do not click on any QR Code you come across. This is a prevalent scam.


You just received this Email! A free Laptop - Sounds Exciting, right? What would you do?

Missed the mark!
Correct answer is :

Avoid this email completely! This is a sham.

There are multiple red flags in the above email. The mail is from Apple India but the mail mentions the amount in dollars and international shipping. Also, they are asking for an exorbitant 50$ for shipping. Please avoid such shams at all cost.

Correct answer is :

Avoid this email completely! This is a sham.

There are multiple red flags in the above email. The mail is from Apple India but the mail mentions the amount in dollars and international shipping. Also, they are asking for an exorbitant 50$ for shipping. Please avoid such shams at all cost.


You received a call from an Axis Bank representative from an unknown number. The representative asks you for the OTP you just received on your phone, to avoid your account from getting blocked. What would you do?

Swing and a miss!
Correct answer is :

Do not entertain the caller and avoid the call completely.

Bank will not ask for your CVV, OTP, PIN, Card Number, Passwords, etc. Do not share these details with anyone.

Right on the money!
Correct answer is :

Do not entertain the caller and avoid the call completely.

Bank will not ask for your CVV, OTP, PIN, Card Number, Passwords, etc. Do not share these details with anyone.


You received an SMS from an unknown number, claiming to be from Axis Bank and asking you to update your PAN details immediately by downloading the mobile app from the apk file link in the SMS. The SMS says that if you do not complete the process, your account will be blocked immediately. What would you do?

Correct answer is :

Do not entertain the SMS and avoid it completely.

Bank never asks you to download Axis Mobile app via APK files. Any such request you receive is fraudulent.

Spot on!
Correct answer is :

Do not entertain the SMS and avoid it completely.

Bank never asks you to download Axis Mobile app via APK files. Any such request you receive is fraudulent.


You received an SMS from your electricity provider, and they're claiming you owe an exorbitant amount on your latest bill. There is a link in the SMS for you to complete the payment. The SMS says that if you do not complete the payment, you will lose the electricity at home in an hour's time. What would you do?

Nope, not quite!
Correct answer is :

Do not entertain the SMS and avoid it completely.

The electricity department never asks for personal details or payments through random/unregistered numbers. Never share your confidential details with anyone or click on unsolicited links. Use only official and secured websites to make bill payments.

You've cracked it!
Correct answer is :

Do not entertain the SMS and avoid it completely.

The electricity department never asks for personal details or payments through random/unregistered numbers. Never share your confidential details with anyone or click on unsolicited links. Use only official and secured websites to make bill payments.

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Hi Username,


you may fail prey to various scams.

Here's how you can equip yourself better whilst dealing with a potential fraud.

Wish to better your score? Retry

Click here to read up on some tips to safeguard yourself with Banking Dhyaan Se.

Hi Username,


to be careful, you are still at risk of falling prey to various scams.

There are some simple ways you can protect yourself.

Wish to better your score? Retry

Click here to read up on some tips to safeguard yourself with Banking Dhyaan Se.

Hi Username,


You are a Fraud Detection Expert! You are wise to the ways scammers can try to trick you into falling prey to their traps.

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Here's some tips to ensure that you continue to safeguard yourself against potential frauds.

Click here to read up on some tips to safeguard yourself with Banking Dhyaan Se.