Education Loan EMI Calculator

Use Axis Bank Education Loan Calculator to calculate your monthly installments & plan your future.

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Education Loan EMI Calculator

In a knowledge economy that we live in today, education plays a pivotal role. Education empowers us to reach new heights in our career, enables to live a respectable life, elevates our standard of living, aids accomplish financial goals, and much more!

Education is a long-term personal investment that has the potential to generate returns like none other.

With an education loan, you can make your dreams come true. Education Loans are available for career-focused courses such as medicine, engineering, and management at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at top institutions in India and overseas. These loans can cover a wide range of expenses, including tuition, exam fees, library subscriptions, textbooks, necessary laboratory equipment, computers, and accommodation costs, if applicable.

Students can directly apply for an education loan. However, their parent(s) or guardian will be treated as co-applicants, and their role will be akin to a primary debtor (a person who owes money).

But before you apply for an education loan, as a prudent loan planning exercise, assess how much the Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) will be.

Axis Bank’s Education Loan EMI calculator is an automated tool that will quickly let you know your EMI.

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Break-up of Total Payment

Principal Amt
Interest Amt
Total Amt Payble

Remember, the interest rate and your loan tenure are the vital deciding factors that determine loan EMI.

The EMI of your loan consists of the principal portion and the interest. In the early stages of the loan's term, a larger portion of the EMI goes towards paying off the interest. Over time, as the loan balance decreases, more of the payment is applied to the principal amount.

Axis Bank India offers education loans at attractive interest rates for a loan amount ranging from Rs 50,000 to Rs 75 lakh.

Apply for an education loan today and fuel your dreams!


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take for a bank to decide whether to approve or reject a loan application?

    The bank sanctions the education loan only after thorough due diligence. Axis Bank usually disburses loans within 15 days from the date of receipt of the complete application along with all documents required for a full appraisal.

  • What percentage of the loan amount must be provided as margin money to secure an education loan?

    There is no margin for education loans upto Rs 4 Lakhs. For loans above Rs 4 Lakh, the margin for studies within India is 5% and for studies overseas is 15%.

  • What are the documents required at the time of disbursement of education loan?

    The documents required for the first disbursement are:

    • Demand Letter from college or university
    • Disbursement Request Form (DRF) signed by the applicant, co-applicants
    • A signed copy of Loan Agreement (which includes Demand Promissory Note, DP Note Delivery-cum-Waiver Letter, Standing Instruction Request, PDC (Post-dated Cheque)
    • Sanction Letter signed by the applicant, co-applicants
    • Form A2 signed (for the purchase of foreign exchange) by applicant or co-applicants in case abroad Institute cases
    • Proof of margin money payments made to the educational institution and bank statements showing these transactions are required.
    • Additional documents may include collateral security
    • if needed and Form A2 completed by the applicant or co-applicants for studies abroad.

    For subsequent disbursements as well, many of the aforementioned documents will be needed, particularly the demand letter from the college or university, DRF, receipt of margin money paid, and one any from the exam progress report, mark sheet, bonafide certificate.

  • What are the consequences of missing an EMI payment or paying late? Are there additional fees?

    Yes, Rs 500 + taxes per cheque bounce and a penal interest @24% per annum i.e. @ 2% per month on the overdue instalment/s. So, as far as possible, keep your repayment track record clean.

  • Can one claim tax benefits from an Education Loan?

    Yes. The interest component of the EMI paid on an education loan is deductible under Section 80E of the Income Tax Act of 1961, which can provide tax relief.

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