
Microfinance -

The microfinance business of the bank can be broadly classified under two heads Wholesale & Retail. In Wholesale Microfinance, the Bank offers credit facilities to MFIs for further on-lending to their customers. Under Retail Microfinance, the bank offers a suite of products to individuals/JLG/SHG catering to their various entrepreneurial needs.

The MFIs have already proven in the past that the poor households are bankable and small ticket loans to such clients can be extended in a profitable manner. Historically, this portfolio has seen very low delinquencies. The microfinance business of the bank can be broadly classified under two heads Wholesale & Retail. In Wholesale Microfinance, the Bank offers credit facilities to MFIs for further on-lending to their customers. Under Retail Microfinance, the bank offers a suite of products to individuals/JLG/SHG catering to their various entrepreneurial needs. These retail microfinance products would be a significant contributor to the vision 2020 of Bank of reaching out to 5% of the bankable population

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