16 currencies on 1 card
You can carry 16 currencies on a single card (USD, EUR, GBP, SGD, AUD, CAD, JPY, CHF, SEK, THB, AED, SAR, HKD, NZD, ZAR & DKK), making it the most convenient way to carry forex!
No currency fluctuations to worry about
Enjoy locked-in exchange rates while loading the card and protect yourself from the volatility of currency fluctuations.
Accepted worldwide
Use the Multi-Currency Forex Card at over 30 million retail and online merchant outlets and 1 million plus ATMs.
Get emergency assistance
Help no matter wherever you are. Report your lost card, get a replacement card, emergency cash assistance and more with TripAssist.
Instant transaction alerts
Track your card on the go via Internet Banking, the Axis Mobile App, E-mail and SMS alerts.