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Pay NowNew customer | Cashback Offer: Terms & Conditions as follows -
Existing customer | Cashback Offer: Terms & Conditions as follows -
New customer T&C:
*Existing customer T&C:
For Cashback Offer period : 1st Feb'25 to 28th Feb'25: Biller registration date should be before 1st Feb'25 to be determined as an existing user.
Biller registration date should be on or after 1st Feb'25 to be determined as a new user
Cashback offer is applicable on following categories :
Cashback offer is applicable on following categories :
Yes, Cashback is for both Manual & Autopay payments for transactions doen via Axis Bank Credit Card. Do check eligible categories for cashback.
Yes, Cashback is for both Manual & Autopay payments for transactions done via Axis Bank Current & Saving Accounts(CASA). Do check eligible categories for cashback
The following conditions are to be met for an existing customer to get cashback
offer period : 00:00:00 hrs. on 1st February'25 to 23:59:59 hrs. on 28th February’25
Offer is based on categories. The following conditions are to be met for a new customer to get cashback
You would not be eligible for cashback offer for electricity bill as a new customer, however, you can avail benefits pertaining to existing customers
You would get a cashback of Rs. 15 on 1st transaction, cashback of Rs. 25 on 2nd transaction and cashback of Rs. 35 on 3rd transaction. In this case, you can get up to a maximum of Rs. 75 as cashback as 3 different category payments are done.
Airtel bill transaction will get Rs. 15 and Jio bill transaction will get Rs. 25 (both cashback amounts will be settled instantly for payments done via Current or Savings account. For credit card as mode of payment, cashback will be credited within 90 days of the offer end date on best of effort basis)
Since Harsh is an existing customer, he will get Rs. 10 cashback on water bill as it is the first transaction and will again get Rs. 10 as cashback for the DTH bill as it is the 2nd transaction.
Cashback credit from Savings / Current account happens instantly or within 72 hours in some cases. In case of a delay, cashback amount will be credited in your account from 0-30 days of transaction.
For credit card as mode of payment, cashback will be credited within 90 days of the offer end date on best of effort basis.
Yes, Cashback is applicable on manual and Auto Pay payments both.
Eligible BBPS categories/billers are available for payments via Axis Bank Credit cards.
Loan, Mutual fund and Credit Card payments, Prepaid recharge and non BBPS categories are not eligible with Axis Bank Credit Card as mode of Payment.
No reward points can be earned on payments made via Axis Bank Credit Card.
Yes, you can switch to Auto pay if you select Credit Card as a mode of payment.
Yes. In case of any debit, the amount will be automatically refunded to your source card within 7 working days. For cashback complaints where payment is done through credit card , please raise SR to phone banking team.
No convenience fee will be charged in case of bills payments and recharges made via Credit Card as a mode of payment.
All eligible Axis Bank Credit Cards can be used to make bill and recharge payments
No, Corporate Credit Cards or Prepaid Cards are not eligible for bill payments and recharges via Axis Bank mobile App.
Credit Card as a mode of payment is available for BBPS Categories/Billers Only
Yes, Cashback offer is applicable on both modes of payments.
There is opportunity to earn up to Rs 450 cashback under autopay. On doing 3 successful bill payments from current / savings account on Auto pay you will receive instant cashback post successful debit and once settled with the biller.
Customer must register for auto pay during the offer period. Customer can opt for maximum 3 categories under auto pay cashback offer.
The cashback amount will be credited in your card account within 90 days of the Autopay payment transaction. Say post registering for Autopay for registered electricity biller, 1st Autopay transaction happened on 25th Feb’25 then cashback would be credited within 90 days i.e. before 25th May’25, 2nd Autopay happened on 25th March'25 for the biller, cashback to be credited before 24th June’25 & so on.
Electricity, Gas, Water, Broadband / Landline postpaid, Mobile postpaid.
As you have done only electricity bill payments, cashback would be Rs. 50 on 1st transaction under auto Pay offer, 1 biller/category is applicable so for 2nd and 3rd electricity bill payment there will be no Auto Pay cashback.
Yes, you can earn cashback of Rs. 50 on 1st transaction, cashback of Rs. 50 on 2nd transaction and cashback of Rs. 50 on 3rd transaction. The first auto pay payment needs to be paid between 00:00:00 hrs. 1st March'25 to 23:59:59 hrs. on 31st March’25 and upon completing 3 successful bill payments via Auto pay, you will receive instant cashback post successful debit and once settled with the biller.
Ashu will get Rs. 50 as cashback for the Airtel bill payments
This offer is available to customers who have not previously claimed cashback on three different Autopay categories. If you have claimed cashback on three categories, you are not eligible for the new offer.
Yes, if you’ve claimed cashback on 1 eligible category for autopay, you are still eligible to participate in the new offer for 2 more categories.
Yes, if you’ve claimed cashback on 2 eligible categories for autopay, you are still eligible to participate in the new offer for 1 more category.
Yes, all NRE account holding customers with an eligible Axis Bank Credit Card will be able to make bill payments and recharges.
Cashback credit happens instantly or within 72 hours in some cases. In case of a delay, cashback amount will be credited in your account from 0-30 days of transaction. For credit card as mode of payment cashback will be credited within 90days of the offer end date on best of effort basis.
You will not be eligible for the cashback.
Yes, you will be eligible for the cashback.
New customer | Cashback Offer: Terms & Conditions as follows -
Existing customer | Cashback Offer: Terms & Conditions as follows -
For Cashback Offer period : 1st Feb'25 to 28th Feb'25: Biller registration date should be before 1st Feb'25 to be determined as an existing user.
Biller registration date should be on or after 1st Feb'25 to be determined as a new user
Cashback offer is applicable on following categories :
Cashback offer is applicable on following categories :
Yes, Cashback is for both Manual & Autopay payments for transactions doen via Axis Bank Credit Card. Do check eligible categories for cashback
Yes, Cashback is for both Manual & Autopay payments for transactions done via Axis Bank Current & Saving Accounts(CASA). Do check eligible categories for cashback
The following conditions are to be met for an existing customer to get cashback
offer period : 00:00:00 hrs. on 1st January'25 to 23:59:59 hrs. on 31st January’25
Offer is based on categories. The following conditions are to be met for a new customer to get cashback
You would not be eligible for cashback offer for electricity bill as a new customer, however, you can avail benefits pertaining to existing customers
You would get a cashback of Rs. 15 on 1st transaction, cashback of Rs. 25 on 2nd transaction and cashback of Rs. 35 on 3rd transaction. In this case, you can get up to a maximum of Rs. 75 as cashback as 3 different category payments are done.
Airtel bill transaction will get Rs. 15 and Jio bill transaction will get Rs. 25 (both cashback amounts will be settled instantly for payments done via Current or Savings account. For credit card as mode of payment, cashback will be credited within 90 days of the offer end date on best of effort basis)
Since Harsh is an existing customer, he will get Rs. 10 cashback on water bill as it is the first transaction and will again get Rs. 10 as cashback for the DTH bill as it is the 2nd transaction.
Cashback credit from Savings / Current account happens instantly or within 72 hours in some cases. In case of a delay, cashback amount will be credited in your account from 0-30 days of transaction.
For credit card as mode of payment, cashback will be credited within 90 days of the offer end date on best of effort basis.
Yes, Cashback is applicable on manual and Auto Pay payments both.
Eligible BBPS categories/billers are available for payments via Axis Bank Credit cards.
Loan, Mutual fund and Credit Card payments, Prepaid recharge and non BBPS categories are not eligible with Axis Bank Credit Card as mode of Payment.
No reward points can be earned on payments made via Axis Bank Credit Card.
Yes, you can switch to Auto pay if you select Credit Card as a mode of payment.
Yes. In case of any debit, the amount will be automatically refunded to your source card within 7 working days. For cashback complaints where payment is done through credit card , please raise SR to phone banking team.
No convenience fee will be charged in case of bills payments and recharges made via Credit Card as a mode of payment.
All eligible Axis Bank Credit Cards can be used to make bill and recharge payments
No, Corporate Credit Cards or Prepaid Cards are not eligible for bill payments and recharges via Axis Bank mobile App.
Credit Card as a mode of payment is available for BBPS Categories/Billers Only
Yes, Cashback offer is applicable on both modes of payments.
There is opportunity to earn up to Rs 450 cashback under autopay. On doing 3 successful bill payments from current / savings account on Auto pay you will receive instant cashback post successful debit and once settled with the biller.
Customer must register for auto pay during the offer period. Customer can opt for maximum 3 categories under auto pay cashback offer.
The cashback amount will be credited in your card account within 90 days of the Autopay payment transaction. Say post registering for Autopay for registered electricity biller, 1st Autopay transaction happened on 25th Feb’25 then cashback would be credited within 90 days i.e. before 25th May’25, 2nd Autopay happened on 25th March'25 for the biller, cashback to be credited before 24th June’25 & so on.
Electricity, Gas, Water, Broadband / Landline postpaid, Mobile postpaid.
As you have done only electricity bill payments, cashback would be Rs. 50 on 1st transaction under auto Pay offer, 1 biller/category is applicable so for 2nd and 3rd electricity bill payment there will be no Auto Pay cashback.
Yes, you can earn cashback of Rs. 50 on 1st transaction, cashback of Rs. 50 on 2nd transaction and cashback of Rs. 50 on 3rd transaction. The first auto pay payment needs to be paid between 00:00:00 hrs. 1st March'25 to 23:59:59 hrs. on 31st March’25 and upon completing 3 successful bill payments via Auto pay, you will receive instant cashback post successful debit and once settled with the biller.
Ashu will get Rs. 50 as cashback for the Airtel bill payments
This offer is available to customers who have not previously claimed cashback on three different Autopay categories. If you have claimed cashback on three categories, you are not eligible for the new offer.
Yes, if you’ve claimed cashback on 1 eligible category for autopay, you are still eligible to participate in the new offer for 2 more categories.
Yes, if you’ve claimed cashback on 2 eligible categories for autopay, you are still eligible to participate in the new offer for 1 more category.
Yes, all NRE account holding customers with an eligible Axis Bank Credit Card will be able to make bill payments and recharges.
Cashback credit happens instantly or within 72 hours in some cases. In case of a delay, cashback amount will be credited in your account from 0-30 days of transaction. For credit card as mode of payment cashback will be credited within 90days of the offer end date on best of effort basis.
You will not be eligible for the cashback.
Yes, you will be eligible for the cashback.
Steps: Go to bill pay section on MB/IB -> Select Category -> Select your biller -> Fill in your details -> Make Payments
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